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„Taro Hyung, something the matter?", Sungchan asks as he notices the other fiddling around with his hands as both of them had originally planned to watch tv, yet Shotaro keeps being nervous and moves a lot next to Sungchan.

The older answers, accidentally stuttering and almost a bit hectic, „N-No, nothing!"

„Are you sure? This looks like you're about to panic again... should we go back to therapy, is it not solved yet?"

„No no, really I'm fine! It's nothing..."

Shotaro is so hectic because he didn't lie, it has nothing to do with what happened back then. He feels save now again, especially living with the younger, he doesn't get panic attacks anymore, at least not when he's without Sungchan.

The reason he's so nervous now isn't that, but the younger himself, a even bigger reason Shotaro doesn't want Sungchan to worry that much. He has no idea how he should explain this to the younger, that he fell for him, also since Sungchan could answer that it's just his imagination after now having witnessed the latters sweet and protective side.

So Shotaro decided to stay silent and at least try his best to be normal. Yet he keeps getting extremely nervous when next to Sungchan or skinship, something even the younger noticed by now.

Sungchan shortly sighs and gets up from the couch, confusing the older.

„I'm gonna go get something to drink.", are all the words he says before leaving, Shotaro now being able to breath a bit more freely but at the same time he feels bad and sad.

Did he make him leave?

Did the younger conclude Shotaro feels uncomfortable around him?

With fears popping up in his mind, gathering more and more, he almost doesn't notice the taller come back, sitting down again.

Yet something is definitely different.

Sungchan sits a bit farther away, in a way neither their legs nor any other body parts touch.

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