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„Uhm... S-Sungchan...", Shotaro finally starts after having stood at the doorframe for a good five minutes, looking at the ground while Sungchan is brushing his teeth in the bathroom, then brushed his hair, now putting down that brush to listen to the older with all his attention.


Barely he can hear the request Shotaro mumbles and stutters, „C-Can.... We s-sleep..... together...... t-tonight?"

While mumbling he clings to the pillow in his arms more and more, if his hair wouldn't cover his face Sungchan would be able to tell right away how red he is right now.

Calmly Sungchan answers with a sweet and happy smile on his lips, „Sure."

Hearing this answer Shotaro relaxes a bit, he was afraid Sungchan would refuse, why he thought that way is a mystery to himself.

Almost like a little puppy Shotaro follows the younger, even if their ages seem kind of reversed right now. Once they reach the room, the older immediately notices the familiar scent once more, since it's Sungchan's room and he hadn't been in there for a good while now, the scent seems to be extremely intense and everywhere.



„Shouldn't you go brush your teeth as well?", Sungchan mentions, reminding Shotaro he had only been standing in the bathroom doorframe yet not done anything except change clothes beforehand.

Quickly he leaves again after nodding, trying to be quick while Sungchan already lays down in his bed. Despite wanting to be quick Shotaro gets caught up in some thoughts, thinking the younger's behavior is sometimes a bit confusing, first he distanced himself a bit more, then went back to being completely fine and normal about skin contact.

Though thinking about it longer, he seems to kind of respond to how he himself acts. Sure, Shotaro still does get nervous, but over the last days he himself initiated some skinship first, seeming like a sign to the younger that it's fine to be close.

„You're too sweet sometimes, Sungchan... you're making it hard for me to not love you you know...", he mumbles after having finally brushed his teeth, not noticing how long it has been since he started now.

Upon returning to the room Shotaro notices that Sungchan is breathing slowly and calmly, seems to have fallen asleep already, was too tired to wait any longer.

Quietly and doing his best to not wake the younger, he turns off the lights and crawls into the bed as well, feeling a bit safer than usual since the other is asleep, so he comes rather close, their faces almost touching, Shotaro even being able to feel the breath of the other.

„Good Night Sungchanie. I love you, you're just too cute sometimes.", he can't help but whisper extremely quietly, softly giggling at the end.

However, seemingly out of nowhere, Sungchan smiles a bit as he then answers in a low yet also quiet voice, „I love you too Hyung, you're the cute one here."

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