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„Ten, Shotaro, Sungchan. Move.", is the first thing Taeyong says to them in a serious tone, though still catching his breath from running like they all are.

„No.", Shotaro answers, determined.

„Shotaro, don't be like that now.", Renjun says.

„No, I won't let you disturb them."

„What should you three do? We have Jeno, Jaemin, Lucas and me. We have more people and the strong ones here.", Johnny says, confident in that either through force or talking they'll make their way through.

„But they have Sungchan. I'm out, I ain't messing with him.", Jungwoo says, going a bit to the side, his eyes fixed on Sungchan, who's watching him closely.

Jungwoo was the only one who noticed the warning signals Sungchan has given to everyone by now. He's watching them with sharp eyes and a slight piercing gaze, not missing anything and ready to react at any moment if one of them were to sudden come at him he would be ready.

„Don't you back down on us!", Lucas says, almost disappointed but also confused.

However, it won't stay long like that, as Sungchan takes one step forward, before he was standing slightly behind Ten and Shotaro.
Now it's his turn.

„Seems like my Hyung is the only one who knows me well enough in that part of my personality. Well then, shall we start discussing things here or somewhere else? I'm up to anything.", Sungchan says, smiling with a smile that isn't really meant as one or rather a friendly one. It's a warning which makes Jungwoo scared.

The last time he saw it was when he got saved by the younger, a few years ago. And it wasn't even directed at him back then.

„What are you talking about?", Johnny answers, now only confused at Sungchan who's act seems really odd to all of them.

„It's a simple warning. Ten Hyung, Shotaro Hyung, please step back a bit.", Sungchan says, the two others listening to him without hesitation.

„So what do you wanna do? You're still only one person compared to all of us.", Renjun says, rolling his eyes, trying to say that he's not impressed at all.

„Feel free to try if you want to see it.", Sungchan answers, still the warning smile on his face.

At first the bunch only look at each other in confusion, but then Lucas steps forward.

„Then I'll just simply make my way through."

Jungwoo can tell that he is trying to impress him, but he knows how that'll end up already. Having grown up with Sungchan a bit and seen his training he knows that no matter who it is, Sungchan can take on all of them.

And that their tries to get through... will only end up in them hurting themselves. They have been warned after all.

Lucas tries it by approaching, hoping that Sungchan will back away or down.

But it's the opposite.

The more he gets closer, then more unsure he is about doing so. Sungchan doesn't flinch, doesn't care at all.

His sharp gaze continues to pierce through Lucas, warningly and dangerous.

When Lucas is directly in front of him it seems like a really strange situation. The fact that Lucas went closer and Sungchan didn't back away even just a tiny bit. Since there's just a slight height difference they both are on the same eye level, yet it looks like Sungchan has the upper hand on the situation.

Being a bit lost, Lucas tries it by wanting to grab Sungchan's shoulders and using his strength to win this moment.

But as soon as he reaches there, Sungchan grabs the hands within seconds and twists it a bit, gaining the upper hand on the situation instantly, Lucas in shock and pain backing away from him, ripping his hands away from the grip, Sungchan letting him do it.

„What the...", is the only thing that comes from Taeyong's lips who's like the rest, shocked and frozen, while Lucas is in slight pain.

„I warned you, didn't I? I'm not playing around right now, I'm serious over here. Try giving me one good reason, try telling me even just one, on why I should let you through and disturb them, when both have agreed to talk to each other on their own will. Try it.", Sungchan says, the rest quietly looking at each other, everyone is too scared to even just move or make a sound right now.

„Well, since no one has anything to say, I guess that solves the situation. They're doing what y'all hoped they'd do. Now then, since we're still in front of the apartment when we shouldn't be, how about we go over to Jaehyun who had to stay back."

„Actually I came too... because I wanted to stop some people here. But seems like you took care of that.", they hear from behind the mass, Jaehyun who just arrived.

„I hope I did. Else more will get hurt because of their own decision."

„Yeah I think we should stop this.", Jungwoo also interferes.

„Let's listen to Chan and just leave Yuta and WinWin alone for now."

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