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„You can't run from me Mark, why are you even trying to? I won't kill you or something.", Haechan says as he walks towards the older, having locked up the room behind him.

„Are you sure? Also, why in the fuck do you have my room key, since when?!", Mark asks back, having backed away onto his couch, it's the corner farthest away from the door and the younger, who seems really scary with his act by now.

It's not a game anymore, this is starting to get truly terrifying somewhere for Mark.

„Stole it when you were away, you never used it anyways for a while now, you haven't even noticed until recently."

„Wait since when do you have it?!"

„About almost a week now. I could have replicated it by now, you know?"

„You've really gone insane Donghyuck."

Hearing that sentence the smile Haechan had on his lips vanishes, his whole face changes, to sad and hurt. Seeing that Mark feels guilty right away, knowing he probably just crossed a line there, one he never wanted to. He'd rather cross the line between friendship and romance than what he just did, hurting the younger.

„Sorry, wrong words. I shouldn't have said that."

„It had been a while since you called me that name. It's just sad in which context it got used.", he answers, now seeming really down.

After a bit of silence Haechan shortly clenches his fist, then relaxes again before saying, „You know what, forget it, I'm not in the mood anymore. Here, your key."

He puts it on the shelve next to the door, about to press the handle to leave, yet he suddenly feels someone's body behind him, pulling him back into an embrace.

„I'm really sorry Donghuck. I noticed too now after having said what I did that it was just completely wrong. Please don't be mad at me.", Mark apologizes again, Haechan not moving an inch in the embrace.

He answers, „Why the change of heart so suddenly? You've been running from me for about two weeks or so now. How come you're fine hugging me now?"

„Who said I ever had something against it?"

„Well you've avoided me like crazy for at least a week now."

„Because you were unpredictable. You still are right now but I've hurt you and I can't ignore that."

„What do you meant, unpredictable?"

„Donghyuck, you really have to ask that? You just started to chase after me out of nowhere like crazy, I don't know what you talked about with Johnny but it most certainly wasn't what any of us had hoped for, I'm pretty sure instead he just gave you like hints and plans or something, according to your actions that somewhere don't seem like they'd come from you."

Haechan puts his hands on Mark's arms, which are warped around his neck, „I did them on my own will and decision though. This one too. It may have been a suggestion from Johnny, yet I decided to do it myself, because you kept running away and were unreachable to me. I can't even talk to you anymore as it is now."

„Well you're talking to me right now. Also, the reason on why I think you're so unpredictable. What did you expect I would do after you out of nowhere just say „Hey let's date!" just because you saw a lot of the others getting together."

„Well I mean, what's wrong with that?"

Mark chuckles shortly, „Donghyuckie, it was so out of nowhere. You don't just date someone for fun usually, especially I don't want to. If anything I want a serious relationship."

„Who said I don't want one too?"

„Then what are you doing right now?", Mark chuckles again, slightly laughing.

„Doing what I said. I'm basically chasing after the one I want to be in a relationship with. I never thought of what I said as a joke, I just put it that way in there because if you would have said anything that's a direct rejection I could still act as if it's a joke. But because you're only running from me, yet never told me that you hate me or reject me, refuse me, I kept going after you, openly now. So I still saw a chance in everything."

„And why are you telling me this only now? And not right from the start?"

„First, you ran away. Second, because I didn't have the confidence to. I still don't have it."

„I can feel it, you're scared. You're trembling a bit, especially your hands."

„Obviously, you idiot Mark. Who wouldn't be nervous after confessing?"

„You're cute Donghyuckie. You're really like a helpless child in some things."

„Hey, at least I can cook. I'm better than you at a lot of simple daily stuff, don't you think you're the helpless one here?"

„Maybe, depends on what we're talking about here. In one thing you're definitely more helpless than me and that's showing your love and confessing it without misunderstandings.", Mark answers, moving his hands down from being wrapped around Haechan's neck to his waist.

„What do you mean? Are you any better at it?"

„Well I can't help it if you're dense but at least I'm making sure it can't be seen as a joke."

Haechan just continues to stand there as confused as he is, trying to look at Mark on his shoulder who starts to chuckle.

„Are you really that slow right now? I'm saying that I love you, you troublemaker."

„Wait-....uh....huh-?.....I.....", Haechan starts but can't really continue, being completely overrun.

„I've been running from you because I didn't want to be played with. That and because I know our love languages are probably a bit different, you're more outgoing and extreme, open to do anything right away. While I will probably need some time, I was afraid you'd storm at me right away. I was waiting to talk to you calmly like this. Hurting you to do so was not the plan but at least something positive got out of this."

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