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After sending the last message to Sungchan Shotaro puts his phone down, first quiet, before he grabs a pillow next to him and cuddles into it.

His face feels a bit hot, the cheeks are red and he has no idea why he feels so flustered and shy once again.

He has been with the younger for quite a while now, lived with him, been extremely close to him. And yet there are moments when he can't help but feel shy and his face automatically heats up just looking at Sungchan.

Just thinking about it causes Shotaro to feel flustered again and push his face even more into the pillow.

As he remains in that position for a while he notices something he actually didn't notice that much over the last days.

Sungchan's scent on the pillow, since it's the one the younger slept on. A fragrance that could be described as wood and a bit of lemon, not sour or uncomfortable, but interesting.

Not just that, but actually everything kind of has his scent.

Shotaro did miss the younger at first, but noticing everything right now, it's feels more bearable.

Somehow he is covered with things that belong to the younger.

Feeling flustered once more by his thoughts the older just decides to burry himself with the pillow underneath the blanket, even if nobody is there he still feels like someone could see him and it would be even more embarrassing if someone actually saw him like this.

„Just come back soon, Sungchan...", he mumbles.

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