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„Class 2b... class 2b... where is it...", Shotaro mumbles to himself nervously beneath his mask.

He arrived at school just a minute ago, now looking for his classroom, walking through the building a bit, his mask still on from outside. He just felt too shy and nervous to take it off already.

There should be a sign for his class in front of the room, he got a plan too, where his room should be. But he already got lost in all his nervousness.

„I can't find it, why...", he mumbles, starting to get panicked because of the situation. He just feels so helpless right now.

His Korean also isn't that good just yet, some things he doesn't understand yet and speaking... it's what he's the least confident about.

When talking online to others he can use translation apps as help but while being with people... that's a lot harder.

The school was nice enough to take care of him, his dance teacher knows Japanese as well, so he can help him.

The rest is his own responsibility and problem which he has to conquer somehow.

„Hey, Are you alright?", someone suddenly asks him from behind, stopping Shotaro from almost walking into someone else.

„Careful where you go. Are you okay, you seem lost in thoughts.", the other one asks again, Shotaro now turns around looking at the other.

He's a bit taller than Shotaro, has dark brown hair and seems just older to him somehow. Because unlike Shotaro he didn't have a problem just now talking to someone who's a complete stranger to him.

„Ah... thanks. I-I'm lost a bit.", Shotaro answers, rather insecure and a bit stuttering.

„You seem nervous. First time here?", the other asks again, though Shotaro has trouble understanding him a bit, so he just tilts his head lost and embarrassed.

A habit of his.

„I-I don't understand that much korean y-yet. I'm new and from Japan."

„Oh. Wait a second then.", the other says, getting out his phone all of a sudden and doing something on it.

He then turns the screen over to Shotaro, where the boy notices that the other just wrote the same sentence there again, but quickly translated it.

„Oh, thank you. Uhm could I use this to answer?", Shotaro asks, the other nodding.

Like this Shotaro tippes in his answer and translates it.

„Yes, It's my first day today and I already lost my way..."

„Well then, let me help you. Even if I'm the same, today's my first day too.", the other answers, both in person as well over the app, making sure Shotaro understands.

„So, what's your name?", the other adds, without translation this time, since it's rather a standard sentence.

„I'm Osaki Shotaro, nice to meet you."

„Shotaro then? I'm Jung Sungchan, same goes for me. Maybe we'll see each other more often here."

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