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„Sungchan, you have even more visitors?", the mother of the boy yells upstairs as a question, confused by the two people who just rang the doorbell of the house.

„Yeah, coming!", he yells back, both Ten and Yuta standing in the hallway after entering, a bit lost and confused.

Lost is Self explanatory, confused because of the thing that even Sungchan's mom seems to have no idea what's happening in her house and with her son.

„Hello you two, sorry for not being down here sooner.", Sungchan greets the two as he appears in front of them from upstairs.

What's clearly noticeable is the fact that Shotaro is both with him, as well as sticks close to the younger.

He keeps clinging to Sungchan's shirt, on the hip. And his head is kept low, usually that's only the case when he's shy or with people he doesn't know.

However the fact that he can't even seem to face his two best friends says a lot. And how much he trusts Sungchan, clinging onto him like for dear life.

„It's... fine.", Yuta answers, both he and Ten planned on this all to go differently but seeing their friend in this state shocked even them.

„Let's go upstairs again so we can talk, shall we?", Sungchan suggests, the other two nodding, Shotaro too agreeing.

„Hyung.", Sungchan says as he opens his hand and offers it to the older, who still grabs onto the shirt of the other, but holds the hand too.

„It's okay, take just the hand for now. It makes walking easier."

A bit hesitant Shotaro removes the hand off of the shirt and now grabs Sungchan's with both of his, holding it tight.

After that they go upstairs, in the boy's room they sit down, Sungchan and Shotaro, the older being clingy again and holding tight onto Sungchan. Seeing them like this makes it hard to believe that Shotaro is the older of both, but he's just too scared and can't let go of what calms him.

In this case Sungchan, who protected him, came for him, comforts him and wants to continue protecting.

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