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„I'm Back!", Sungchan shouts a bit through the house after taking one step in, then putting his jacket aside and taking his shoes off.

While doing so he can hear footsteps in the background, after he heard two hellos from the kitchen, his mother and sister. And the running footsteps are from the second floor.

„Sungchan!", is the Next thing he hears, a voice sounding clearly overjoyed as the older literally jumps into the youngers arms, causing Sungchan to almost drop the cake he promised he would bring with him.

„Hello Hyung, easy there or I'll drop the cake.", Sungchan chuckles as answer while also holding the other with one hand on the back, Shotaro just clings onto him, feet off of the ground.

„Chan, did you bring cake?", his sister asks when she notices it as her brother enters the kitchen with Shotaro in the arm.

„Yup, but don't eat too much of it."

„Why always me! Do you like Shotaro more or what?"

A sentence that makes the older flustered which nobody notices though, since he's basically buried his head into Sungchan's neck and shoulder.

„It's not because of whom I like more, it's because I bought the cake for him and I know you. You get sick of the sugar if you eat too much.", Sungchan talks softly to his sister, patting her head shortly with the hand that was free now after having put down the cake on the table, before he uses that hand too to support  Shotaro, who started to slide down.

„Say you two, has he been downstairs while I was gone? Did he eat something?"

„I was quite surprised but he did. He asked for something to eat and since we still had some dinner left he took it.", Sungchan's mom answers, her expression showing that she was glad the older of the two had asked.

„That's good. Seems like you're getting better Hyung. Was it that Hard to eat alone for once?", Sungchan asks the one on his shoulder, who hesitantly shakes his head.

„Some hesitation but at least a no as answer. We're getting somewhere. Now how about you come down again so we can eat the cake? Or did you guys eat just now?"

„We didn't so it should be okay now. It's time for a break anyways.", his mom answers, saying the second sentence meant to his sister.

„Yay, cake time!", she says with joy.

Meanwhile, Sungchan let Shotaro down again, even though the older doesn't seem to want to let go.

Sungchan can't help but sigh at the situation, it's almost like those two have gone into their own world as the younger starts stroking through Shotaro's hair.

The reason he doesn't want to let go of Sungchan is simple.

One, he missed him.

Two, he's still a bit flustered and embarrassed about before.

And the fact that Sungchan answered neutral.

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