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„Sungchan!", Shotaro waves As he notices the taller waiting in the hallway for him once again, like after every last lesson.

How ever he's always faster that Shotaro at leaving, so that he already waits.

„Ready to go?", Sungchan asks Back with a smile once his Hyung is next to him, Shotaro nods, he's shining once again with his bright smile.

„Yup. Yuta and Ten should be waiting at the gate."

„At least your friends are. Well, that means less worry for me that you're not gonna be alone at all."

„So you asked your friends to meet too?"

„Yeah. But they study and it ends later than our school day so I have to wait like an hour or so now."

„Well, that means you can go home for once.", Shotaro laughs as answer, Sungchan can only smile at the statement.

He can understand that Shotaro worships family a lot, since he had to leave his in Japan. But at the same time he's not that much on a good side with his own parents, since to him it's like they can't decide on what they want from him.

First they said they will never move to Seoul, now they did. They wanted him to find friends so he can move into an apartment they prepared for him, he isn't allowed to be in it alone since it's so big, but at the same time now that he's getting to know Shotaro and gone so much they ask why he's never home.

They just can't decide which stresses Sungchan and makes him just wanting to stay with Shotaro the whole day.

It's more quiet with the other and he just kind of makes him relax again, even if they learn for school which should be stress, thanks to Shotaro it's not that Bad.

„Shotaro! Over here!", they quickly hear Yuta calling for the older of the two, waving in front of the gate, both looking excited and happy.

Shotaro also starts glowing Even more as he sees them, running into Yuta's arms, after that hugging Ten.

„Hello there.", Sungchan greets the two as well while watching Shotaro.

„Man you two really are always together already, hm?", Ten asks him with a smirk.

„Why not. It was like fate that we met on both our first day here. And we also arrived in Seoul on the same day.", Sungchan answers, not letting those two strict friends get to him. He just stays calm under their gazes.

„But can you speak Japanese like me?", Yuta says.

„I'm teaching him Hyung. Also by now I don't feel that embarrassed anymore to tell him if I don't understand something or ask him for translation or help.", Shotaro joins in, it always makes him feel bad somehow that everyone is just asking Sungchan questions over questions just because they both get along well.

„Well anyways, since we're now here he's taken care of. So no need to worry.", Ten says, Sungchan already has noticed since they arrived that those two are trying to sho him away.

„Yeah yeah, I'm going. See you tomorrow Shotaro Hyung!", Sungchan answers, parting ways with them, starting to walk home.

Something he's not used to anymore.

Especially walking there alone.

The smile on his face starts to fade, it feels less bright without the other. Like a part is missing.

Shotaro Just radiates too much happiness.

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