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„Can we go eat something?"

„Sure.", Sungchan answers, lifting his head up from his arm which he was leaning on. Shotaro is lying on his lap, the boy clearly wide awake. While Sungchan does seem tired, his eyes half open, beneath them it's a bit dark, some circles have started to appear.

„Anything special?", Sungchan asks, doing his best to not show his tiredness as he tries to talk clearly and normal.

„Ice cream if you have some."

„We should."

With that answer Shotaro gets up a bit so they both can go over to the kitchen. Even if his mind is all over the place right now, that doesn't mean he can't notice in which state Sungchan is in. And that it's his fault.

He feels bad for pulling his friend into this that much, at the same time he's touched since Sungchan keeps insisting on helping his Hyung. That's what makes it hard for Shotaro to just tell the younger to rest for a while, saying he will be fine.

But he's aware that Sungchan knows, as well as he himself, that he probably won't be okay on his own just yet.

It's been one day since the visit at the doctor, Shotaro has stopped trembling that extremely, still clearly feels unwell alone though. On the other hand Shotaro himself knows he can't depend on Sungchan forever and will need to go outside again at some point, no matter what.

But not yet, it's too early now.

„Let's see.", Sungchan says as he squats down to the lower part of the fridge, the freezer. Shotaro follows closely, placing his hands softly on his shoulders as he looks a bit too.

Sungchan goes a bit through everything till he finds a box of vanilla ice cream.

„Here we have it. Can you get a bowl by yourself?"

Shotaro nods, letting go of the small warmth of the other that he felt through the touch and reaches up to a higher shelve, opens a door there to take out a small bowl as said, while Sungchan opens the box and gets out a spoon.

He takes out a few spoons of ice, stopping at the count of four.

„Enough?", he asks, looking into the eyes of the other who can feel his cheeks heat up a bit under the seemingly sharp gaze of the other. It doesn't feel like it's dangerous or meant in a mean way, it's rather worried and to read the other.

Yet it still makes Shotaro feel flustered for some reason, not in an uncomfortable way, but still irritating.

„Uhm, yes, that's enough.", Shotaro answers after a short moment, trying not to stutter and snap out of whatever he was captured in just now, embarrassed.

Sungchan however is too tired to realize what exactly just happened or is the matter, quietly lets it stand as it is and puts away the ice cream again.

Without needing to exchange a word they both walk towards the living room again, sitting down in front of the still turned on tv, it had been on the whole afternoon till now. Sungchan goes back to leaning on his hand and arm, while watching a bit, eyes closing from time to time but always opening again.

Shotaro watches it from the side of his eye, guilt once more coming over him. Even if it's Sungchan's own decision... in the end it's something the younger does for him, because of him, to help him.

„Hey, Sungchan.", Shotaro starts once more after finishing the bowl and putting it down on the table, Sungchan opening his eyes suddenly again, being pulled out of dozing off.

„Hm?", he gives back, getting off of his arm and hand once more, rubbing over his eyes and nose as if he's stressed while inhaling deeply.

„You're tired aren't you? You should go sleep."

„What about you Hyung? You don't really seem tired to me."

„I may not be, but that doesn't forbid you to sleep you know?"

„I can't just leave you alone down here, we both know how that'll end.", Sungchan answers, stops rubbing and now looks at Shotaro, the dark circles really are something you can't overlook anymore. And red eyes. He's clearly tired.

„Then just lay down and sleep a bit. I can wake you again once I want to go to sleep too.", Shotaro then suggests, patting on his lap as an invitation, Sungchan not reacting at first and just staring at the spot, looking at Shotaro's legs.

„Sungchan?", Shotaro says again after a while of no reaction from the taller, he tilts his head as he looks at the still staring one, once more starting to feel flustered.

Suddenly Sungchan starts moving, leans over to the older, puts his head on the legs, as he was offered to do. He pulls his legs up behind him, cramping himself a bit onto the couch, but that seems to be his smallest worry.

After a bit of adjusting himself he stops moving, one hand over Shotaro's legs, head on his lap, lying on the couch.

Slowly he closes his eyes, giving in to his tiredness.

Shotaro watched it a bit confused at first because it suddenly was rather out of nowhere and without any words. But once the younger settled down he can't help but smile a bit, stroking a bit through the hair of the taller who seems to be falling asleep rather fast.

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