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It's exactly what Ten didn't want to happen.

After telling WinWin that Yuta wants to talk the rest now knows about it all two and they know where he is.

Sungchan and Shotaro had watched over Ten's shoulder along with the permission of Yuta to ask WinWin, also to ask in that group chat.

The only thing that gave them away was Ten who let himself be provoked and said that Sungchan would help to hold them off.

Mentioning Sungchan and Shotaro was The giveaway of their location as well as the hint that Yuta is with them.

„I'm sorry about that.", Ten apologizes to all three of them as his head hangs low.

„It's fine, you didn't do it on purpose.", Yuta answers, even though he still seems nervous.

„It's not! All of them will come running now and it's just gonna be chaos!"

„Then I should better take care of this. WinWin said he'll hurry so you two talk inside. It's open as you know but I'll also give you the key for now, so the others really can't disturb you. And I'll lecture the rest.", Sungchan says, his voice sounding surprisingly calm in the situation, as well as he himself is.

Shotaro can't help but think back to how he has been over the last days sometimes.

The moments he's serious in.

They only happens when shit is about to go down.

And since it is...

Yuta takes the key he's offered, now the only thing to do is to wait for WinWin.

They already put all of Sungchan and Shotaro's belongings into the apartment, it's still a mess but it has to wait, first this situation has to be cleared up and solved.

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