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„Shotaro? Someone was asking for you.", Shotaro's dance teacher suddenly tells him in Japanese, the boy was just about to go find a table to eat his lunch at, since it's break time right now.

„Me?", Shotaro answers, rather surprised.

He's not really used to his classmates just yet, also rather quiet since he's just so shy about talking. And had trouble understanding some things the others were saying.

A few of them though are ready to help him, but in the break Shotaro still is rather alone for now.

Being curious Shotaro looks behind the teacher as a somehow familiar face pops up.

„It's me again.", he says, smiling rather warm and brightly.

„Ah Sungchan!"

„Yup. I'm glad you remember me.", Sungchan says, coming towards Shotaro and hugging him shortly. Which rather surprises the other, he didn't expect Sungchan to be so open with him already.

„Sorry, couldn't hold back. I've searched you all day.", Sungchan says, when Shotaro shortly, without noticing himself it seems, tilts his head, Sungchan gets his phone out again, translating it.

„Ah sorry.", Shotaro immediately apologizes as the other gets it out. So he adds something.

„It's fine, you should mention it if you don't understand something. I can help you better then."

„Alright. Thank you. Oh by the way, let's exchange number. Then you don't have to search for me.", Shotaro says, a bit embarrassed since he knows they could have done so just the other day.

„It's fine, I forgot to ask you too so I somehow got this up upon myself too. Also while we're at it, are you older or younger than me? How old are you?", Sungchan asks while he's at it.

„I'm 20 by now. So 21 in korean age."

„You- You're older than me.", Sungchan answers, rather surprised, just like Shotaro is too.

„I'm 20 in korean age, so 19. Wait so You're an adult already too?!"

„You could say that."

„Oh how I would love to finally get that year older. It must be so nice to finally be independent.", Sungchan says, starting to sulk.

They both now made their way to a table, sat down as they continue talking, also saved each other's numbers and contacts.

„Well... it allowed me to come here and now study here. But at the same time I don't really like it that much.", Shotaro says, his head sinking down a bit.

„Why is it bad?"

„As you might have noticed I'm not really confident. And I'm shy. It's still a bit too much to basically be on my own completely here, my parents and friends stayed back in Japan. I only have two friends here but they also don't always have Time. For now I have an apartment but I won't be in there forever. It's a bit lonely till now."

„Well you have me from now on! I'll help you if you want to. After all we're both new here and don't know anybody. Also I don't mind that You're Japanese, we can work on your language.", Sungchan says.

The openness of the other but also that he's so nice is something that really comforts Shotaro. This guy is someone he might become friends with, if they aren't already about to be.

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