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While that mess was happening outside, Yuta and WinWin had went inside as planned.

„Is it... okay if I lock it?", Yuta asks the other, unsure if he really should. In case things escalate once more.

„It's fine.", WinWin answers, a bit shy but also softly.

They both can't help but look around a bit. It's rather spacious, empty right now, only a few pieces of furniture are already standing there.

After entering there is a couch to the right, seems like that's gonna be the living room area. To the right there's then two room, to the left open space after a room, which seems to be the kitchen. And also on the left after entering is another room, bathroom according to the floor there.

Also, in the right corner or the living area there Are stairs, leading one floor up.

Sungchan didn't lie when he said the place was rather big and more people than just him and Shotaro could live in there.

„Wanna go to the couch, sit down?", WinWin asks, Yuta nods.

A little bit awkwardly both sit down, not really knowing where to start or whom of them.

„You can go first.", they both say at the same Time after a bit of silence, now looking at each other.

WinWin wants to say something again because of that moment, doesn't feel like he can do so however. He's caught in Yuta's eyes, which suddenly start to fill up with emotions and tears.

It doesn't take long for him to break out in tears, purely out of reaction WinWin can't help but get closer to him, before taking Yuta in his arms.

Yuta takes the invitation and buries himself into WinWins shoulder, hugs him tightly, clings onto his clothes.

„I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for yesterday. I'm sorry.", Yuta apologizes over and over while crying, causing WinWin to also feel all of his emotions bubble up, tears coming up as well.

„No, I'm sorry as well. I left you, right? I shouldn't have done so. It was dumb of me what I had done."

Both end up crying for a while, hugging each other tightly, Yuta doesn't seem to want to let go anymore at all, wants to keep WinWin like that forever.

„Should I start? It's only an explanation on why I hesitated to contact you again first and doesn't excuse anything but... I feel like I should tell you.", WinWin asks, Yuta still in the shoulder nods.

„So I don't remember everything that had happened back then anymore, nor did I remember your face. In China I had an accident when dancing. A stunt went wrong and I hit my head. I was told everything was gonna be alright but later on noticed some parts of my memories missing or remembering your face for example. That's why I didn't recognize you at first. Only later over Name I had a hunch."

„So you don't remember why you did it?"

„I do... and i wish I didn't. Because it's just As simple as it was dumb. I had to move back to China. And back then I thought I would never come back or be able to. So because I didn't want you to suffer from a long distance relationship I broke up with you. It's dumb... thinking about it now I wanna go back and slap myself for it.", WinWin tells, laughing a bit at the end while he caresses Yuta's back.

„Yeah... it was dumb. But that's just how I remember and know you.", Yuta answers, sniffing shortly before finally lifting up his face from the latters shoulder.

„But a question for you right now. Do you still love me? Or at least did? Also I know I'm looking like shit right now, don't say anything there."

„You look tired and like you cried a lot. But that doesn't change the fact that you're as pretty as you were when I fell in love with you. Maybe your looks changed a bit, but all in all you're still the same person I fell in love with. And whom I never could forget. Does that answer your question?", WinWin says, smiling softly at Yuta who's tears he wipes of meanwhile.

„Yeah it does. God does that calm me down... I probably still should go get me some therapy by now.", Yuta sighs, letting himself fall onto WinWin once more, who's confused by the last thing though.

„What do you mean?"

„Let's just say I probably developed some anxieties and problems through you leaving me back then. And I never took care of them properly. The outburst yesterday... was a reaction caused by me just keeping all my emotions down and stuff everything into myself."

„That Bad?"

„Oh I had depression sweetheart. I was worse back then but some things still haunt me. Like the fear of people leaving me. At the moment I really can't bring myself to let go of you, you know? I'm afraid I'll let go and everything will be gone once more, you will leave again... leave me behind. My conflicts with myself caused me to have that outburst yesterday which hurt you and made me punch Jaehyun. I feel so bad for it... I need to apologize but the others will scold me and I'm afraid of that too. I'm just scared of basically everything right now."

„I'll stay with you then. If you don't want to let go, that's okay. I'll just let you abduct me to wherever you want. Just take good care of me, will you?", WinWin answers with a slight chuckle, stroking through Yuta's hair.

„Yeah, I'll just abduct you from the rest and keep you to myself. I love you Sicheng. I never stopped or could bring myself to forget you."

„Me too, I love you. And thank you for still loving me after my dumb mistake."

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