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„How about we sit down a bit for this talk. On your bed or outside Yuta?", Taeyong suggests, wanting to put his hand on Yuta's shoulder.

But the other slaps the hand away, reaction rather sudden and a bit aggressive.

„I don't want to take this anywhere. I don't Even want to talk. I don't want to see him, hear his voice, talk to him or hear about him ever again. Yet you all dared to bring him into this dorm, into my room!", he finally talks, moves from being in a state of shock, which now switched over to anger.

„You Must be really hurt...", WinWin says, rather quietly and held back as he grabs into his arm and looks down, other hand in a clenched fist in discomfort. But it was loud enough for Yuta to hear.

„Hurt? Hurt?! I am broken to a point from which I still haven't gotten back up!", he screams in anger towards WinWin, his eyes reflecting it, but also an insane amount of sadness from being hurt.

A look that makes WinWins heart drop, feel even worse than he already does. The situation isn't awkward to him anymore, it's rather feeling guilty and bad.

Making him wish to turn back time even more than he already does.

„That's it, I'm out of here, I'm not returning to this dorm. I'm done here!", Yuta says, breaking away from Johnny due to the other being caught up in the moment.

He runs downstairs, almost skipping three steps at once, also almost tripping since his eyes start to fill with tears, making it hard to see.

Downstairs just before he reaches the door, Jaehyun catches up to him, pulling Yuta back by his shirt.

„Stop running away from your problems and this situation damn it!", Jaehyun says, wanting to take a breath as he thought he now has Yuta where he wants him to.

However they all underestimated just how bad the situation is.

Since Yuta turned around in an instant to punch Jaehyun in the stomach, first only with his fist, then the knee follows, a kick.

It was too fast and unexpected for Jaehyun to do anything, giving Yuta the time he needed to escape. Johnny and the Rest didn't follow him out of the dorm, for a simple reason.

They all were too shocked about Jaehyun who was coughing none stop, sinking down to the ground in pain.

WinWin couldn't do anything but look at the picture in front of him in regret, fear and guilt.

Jaehyun kneeling in the ground, almost lying, coughing a lot, while the rest gathers around him in worries and half a panic.

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