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„Are you sure you want to come here with me?", Shotaro asks Sungchan, as they're almost at the dancing studio, the one Jisung told him about.

That was last week Wednesday. Now it's Monday once more.

Over a week since Shotaro came to Seoul and Korea.

He and Sungchan agreed on for now not rushing things anymore so Sungchan won't come over, instead they meet elsewhere outside.

They agreed on it since Sungchan said he can understand Yuta's worries and he also wants Shotaro to be more careful, not that he just invites anyone over.

Even over the Weekend they met up, either just practicing more korean and Sungchan teaching him, Shotaro starting to teach Sungchan Japan or just talking more, to get to know each other.

On Friday Shotaro got into the dancing studio, payed for the month now and the next one, it costed a full month but since it's in the middle of the first he got this half now for free basically.

So now, Monday, he wanted to try it out.

While Sungchan insisted on tagging along, he's been sticking a lot with Shotaro already which the older doesn't mind really.

Since neither Yuta nor Ten have had time for him again till now.

„I'm sure about this. I mean, I'm curious to see how good you are somehow, since you got accepted into the school through an audition as you said."

„Don't make it sound as if I was so good, it's embarrassing. Don't have such high hopes.", Shotaro answers, scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

„Why not? I trust you and I believe you definitely can't be bad."

„I still have a lot to learn, else i wouldn't be here."

„That doesn't mean you can't be good Hyung. Just do what you always do, I'll just be here and watch.", Sungchan says, smiling brightly to encourage the other who gives up on the argument with a sigh.

They enter and go to the practice room Shotaro got, it's rather large, bigger than he had expected which he liked quite a lot.

There's also already setup for audio, just what he needs.

Happily he rushes over to it, dropping his bag right next to the sound system, forgetting for the moments that Sungchan is with him. He only realizes it again after hearing him chuckle.

„You're really happy to be here."

„Don't you make fun of me, I haven't had the opportunity to do anything by myself for a week now.", Shotaro says, pouting and sulky.

„Don't worry, I won't. That now just looked really cute. How happy you were, you didn't even notice me anymore."

„I know a lot of people say I'm cute but I'm not, stop telling me that!", Shotaro protests, Sungchan now starts to laugh.

„Even while you're angry it looks kind of cute. Probably because you pout a lot."

„I am not cute!"

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