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„See you all tomorrow then I guess.", Shotaro says to the three who have been helping him getting comfortable in the class, as he gets up, ready to leave since the last lesson is over.

„Nah nah nah. You're staying here, we need to ask you something. And make sure you're alright.", Jeno says as he holds him back, Shotaro looking at them confused.

„Uhm... what?"

„You've been hanging out with a tall dude rather often, we just want to check him.", Renjun says, Shotaro still confused. It's like he's shrinking and just gave up on them, letting them do whatever they want.

So together they leave the building, Sungchan waiting for Shotaro at the front gate. He's been doing so for the last few days as well, both usually don't go Home right away, rather elsewhere, either to study or talk, sometimes taking their bags with them, sometimes just put them off at their homes before meeting back up again.

„Ah, Sungchan!", Shotaro says as he sees the other, who then notices him too, Shotaro waving at him.

Both their faces light up as they see each other again now, even though they only saw each other this morning.

„Shotaro. Oh you got company with you today.", Sungchan realizes, interested on who's with his new friend.

„So your name is Sungchan?", Jisung start asking, almost piercing through the other with his gaze.

„Uhm yeah? What's with you three, you're looking at me weird."

„We're just careful about you. You're really close with Shotaro here already and since he's a foreigner we don't know of we can trust you.", Renjun says, simple and as it is.

„Wait... does he know, like what your thoughts here are? Did you ask him?", Sungchan asks him back, a hunch lingering in the back of his head of what this situation is made out of.

„He didn't say anything?", Jeno answers, now he's confused.

„Then I know the problem. Hyung.", he says as he sighs, then turns towards Shotaro.

„Wait did he just call Shotaro Hyung?", Jisung notices, now confused as well.

„Hm?", Shotaro reacts to the younger.

„Did you get what they wanted from you?"

„... not really? I just got that it probably had something to do with you.", Shotaro answers, head once again tilted to the side as he's embarrassed about the situation.

Now Renjun also is confused, all three are.

„See that's the thing with this guy. He's to embarrassed to say it when he doesn't understand things sometimes. Here, let me help you and summon up the situation.", Sungchan says as he starts typing and translating everything.

„Oh... now I get it.", Shotaro says after reading through what Sungchan wrote, now feeling even worse for the situation.

„I'm sorry! To both sides here.", he apologizes right away, bowing which surprises the other three.

„It's okay Hyung, it can happen.", Sungchan says while pulling Shotaro back up to stand normally by the shoulder.

„So let me explain to you guys who I am and why I'm with him so much already. We basically got to know each other on the day he arrived in the school, his first day here was mine as well, I just moved here, to Seoul. He was lost and so was I, even though he had some more problems because he is shy and was so insecure about his korean. That's how we got to know each other. And we've been hanging around ever since, it's fun. He teaches me Japanese while I teach him korean. Oh and also since you seemed confused, yes I'm younger than him."

Jeno, Jisung and Renjun Are just standing there, still confused Even though they just got an explanation.

„Just how tall are you for your age...", Renjun mumbles.

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