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When he finally arrives at the location where Shotaro lives he can already see the police cars in front of it. And that they just now went inside.

Even though he's exhausted, he keeps running, follows the police a bit farther behind, but close enough to hear everything going on.

He can hear Shotaro's cries and that he's screaming for help, in a tone he never heard before, pure fear.

A sound that breaks Sungchan's heart even more than it already is, ever since all the messages.

When he arrives at the door in that exact same moment one of the two officers pulls the man away from Shotaro, Sungchan came at the timing to witness it all, to see what was about to almost happen.

„Hyung!", Sungchan shouts as he sees it, watching as the older stumbles back and falls to the ground.

Holing his shirt together, which was brutally torn open, tears streaming down his face nonstop, his cry still silent and the sobs swallowed in terror.

„Hold on, who are you!", the second officer stops him, holds Sungchan back from getting any closer to Shotaro.

„I'm his friend and the one who called!", Sungchan answers, trying to get past him as he just wants to go over to Shotaro.

„Everyone could say that so please stay away from the victim for now!"

„Shotaro Hyung!"

On the second call for him the older now seems to hear the voice again, he looks up, lifts his head, looks Sungchan straight into the eyes as he cries.

The amount of fear they express because of what happened says it all.

„S-Sungchan.", Shotaro says Back, starts to cry even more as he extends one arm towards him, as if he's just begging, longing for the other to come and comfort him. The voice breaking, the cries and sobs now starting to be let out.

The officer must have noticed as well which is why he lets go of Sungchan who runs towards the older without hesitation and embraces him tight, Shotaro seeming to crawl right into his arms.

A moment that already seems like eternity, the warm and save embrace of Sungchan, something Shotaro desperately needs right now.

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