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„-ung....Taro Hyung..... Hyung."

Slowly Shotaro realizes he's being called, snapping out of his daydreaming, his zoning out due to the tiredness.

„Hm?", he shortly makes a sound to signal Sungchan he hears him now.

After sighing the younger speaks, „Hyung, you were zoning out again. I'm here now, we can go home."

Shotaro starts to realize the situation only now. Right, he had been waiting in the hallway for Sungchan who said he would come a bit later, so he sat down, seems to have started to nod off without realizing.

„Ah right. Sorry, let's go."

„You've been like this for a while now Hyung. Are you sure you're alright sleeping alone? It's started ever since we decided to sleep separately.", Sungchan says, worried about the older who has very visible dark circles underneath his eyes, for days now.

„I will manage to do this. Sooner or later I will sleep due to tiredness.", he answers.

But Shotaro has noticed himself too, he's getting weaker and weaker, with only sleeping the necessary amount for survival. That's what it feels like. He only nods off a lot in Sungchan's presence, he feels save there, watched and taken care of.

While even when he knows they live in the same dorm and Sungchan is in the room just next to him, he can't close a single eye or fall asleep. Something about him just can't calm down without the younger directly around.

On the way home Shotaro notices that to him it feels like it takes forever, along with getting exhausted rather fast, he's in dire need of sleep to gain some strength again.

Arriving at their home the first thing the older does is sit down on the couch, leaning onto the back and closing his eyes a bit, yet still feels restless along with the tiredness.

Feeling annoyed and stressed out by that he sighs and opens his eyes again, wanting to sit properly again and maybe watch some tv. Yet Sungchan sits down next to him before he gets a chance to take the remote, turning on the tv himself.

„Maybe background noise will help you a bit. I'll stay here for now, try to rest a bit more."

Being tired anyways the older simply takes the invitation and closes his eyes once more. The familiar scent which ensures him he's next to the younger surrounds him once more, as he starts to drift off, fall asleep rather fast.

It doesn't take long for Sungchan to feel something heavy on his shoulder, Shotaro's head which dropped onto there and the older who starts snuggling up to him, causing the younger to softly smile about it.

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