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„Sungchan, Shotaro, Good Job!", they can hear Ten's voice as he together with seven other joins a big pack.

Most have gathered at the studio already, or rather in front of it, along with Doyoung who seems a bit out of it still.

And tired.

Ten and the pack there have Johnny with them.

Who honestly doesn't look that much better, he's in the same bad shape as Doyoung, but seems desperate a bit and it's written all over his face that he feels sorry.

Once Doyoung and Johnny's eyes meet you can see both are breaking out into many emotions. Alongside a bit uncomfortable, Doyoung also seems relieved the other is alright and touched that he went after him. Also surprised about how bad Johnny's condition is as well.

While Johnny has a lot of relief and guilt on him.

„I'm so sorry!", are the first things Johnny says as he runs up to Doyoung, grabs his hands and kneels before him.

Doyoung First doesn't know what to do but it doesn't take long till everyone notices Johnny's body shaking as he starts crying, causing Doyoung to also get tears in his eyes.

„No, I'm sorry too!"

They pretty much apologize to each other again and again, both crying and seemingly feeling both down and relieved, making one half of the people wonder what actually went on here.

„I'm so sorry, I won't do it again.", Johnny mumbles while Doyoung has by now put his head onto the others, both trying to comfort each other a bit.

„That wasn't that much the problem... let's just talk about this later at home.", Doyoung answers, voice breaking in between like Johnny's.

The other agrees with a slight nod.

While that was going on, a lot of people didn't notice other things happening.

Such as Yuta suddenly leaving after Ten arrived with his dorm and Johnny.

But also that in that whole mess Jungwoo made his way through the people, stopping at Lucas whom he taps on the arm.

Confused Lucas turns around, looking at Jungwoo who smiles at him, confused at first. Till he seems to remember something.

„Wait, Hyung?!", Lucas almost screams surprised, while Jungwoo just show him to be a bit quieter, placing a finger in front of his own lips.

„Your Voice is already loud anyways and we don't wanna disturb Johnny and Doyoung, do we?"

Lucas nods, though he's still overjoyed to see the the other, Jungwoo gets that too, so he takes Lucas hand as he turns his attention back to the two who got found again.

Something that's impossible for Lucas as his eyes now stay on Jungwoo.

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