C-2 - When opportunity knocks, pretend you're not in.

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I am sitting in the conference room with four strangers staring at me eagerly and all I can think about is how nervous I am and that I am sweating through my blouse.

At first, all I can do is stare back, speechless.

I eventually manage to find the right words "You.... want to employ ME?"

"Yes. Well, possibly... We would need to discuss the role and obviously we'd have to ensure you aren't a secret crime lord or anything."

"Ok, sounds fair. For the record though, I did not steal those biscuits, they just did not scan through the check out and I seriously had not noticed until... I mean..."

A lady steps forward smiling and pats the folders in front of me.

"This is some background information on the lads. If you decide you are interested in the job, you will need to sign this non-disclosure agreement and some other privacy forms and then you can take these home to look at. Sound good?

I smile, my nerves are getting the better of me and suddenly a joke comes out before I can stop myself.

"Yeah, I can't read, totally illiterate. I grin at the lady and for a second, she looks at the others questionably.

I realise instantly that I'm an idiot and so my next words burst out again but this time in a panicked laugh, "I can read, honest. You can test me!"

The room relaxes when they all smile and nod to each other.

Satisfied, the lady heads to the large screen and starts a slide show of the lads and many of their recent headlines.

"We need you to help make us positive headline for these guys. This is potentially their last chance at a comeback, or they may well get dropped by the label. You aren't emotionally invested in them and I think that is why we need you." Her voice is serious but kind, she's worried about them.

"A comeback can be difficult but I'm sure they will be fine; they don't need me" I say with confidence.

"This is their third comeback. The second attempt sank before the single was even released." The grumpy man from earlier steps forward, "Which is why we think that you may well make all the difference. I'm following my gut instinct on this. You're their last chance."

I start to nervously giggle again, no pressure then!

"What do I have to do?" As soon as I ask, I want to kick myself, hard.

Another gentleman steps forward and sits near me. He is probably a good ten years older than me but damn, he is yummy. But then I see the ring on his finger and all hope dies.

"Hi, I'm David. We are considering an unconventional approach if you agree to sign on. We are going to rent out a summer house, somewhere private and well protected but not too lavish, as we need them to reconnect. We would like you and the lads to move in there for two months. In that time, we would like you to spent time with them, help them bond more as recently resentment seems to have been building between the band. We need you to help them reach out to fans and meet their fan's needs and expectations. Inspire them to get creative again, write music and create the best comeback video that will showcase these two months together."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not remotely trained to do any of that!" I shake my head in disbelief.

David smiles, "Which is why we think that this will work. You are not a fan. To gain new fans and keep their current ones interested, they need to win you over. Well, that's how I'm going to sell this idea to them, anyway." He chuckles.

I smile, amused by their idea and that they think the guys will 'just go along with it'. "No offence, but they will never agree to this. I'm not even sure I should. I don't know them and what I do know, doesn't make me want to live in a house with them."

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