C-10 - Sealed with a kiss

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The dread of whatever game she has planned next makes my anti-social personality cry inside. Reece suddenly breaks out into a huge grin and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen and heading to the front of the house then turning and dragging me upstairs, "Hurry up, follow me."

I stare at him, extremely confused at what the hell is happening, until I get pulled into the loft room. It takes me a few seconds to realise that I have been dragged into his room and I look at him unamused and a little shocked, "You've got to be kidding me!"

He sits on his bed and smiles, "Relax, I just wanted to escape Chloe for a minute. Although, If you're up for it...."

I shake my head and turn to leave.

"Hey! Wait, I was just joking. Believe it or not, I don't sleep around. Well not anymore."

I turn back around to face him, "Ok, I'll stay for a bit."

I start to wander around his room looking at the random décor he has scattered around. "You have a rather large jar of guitar picks..."

Reece walks over and opens the jar. "Mostly they are one's fans have sent me and the ones in covers are the ones I found when on tour."

He starts digging through the jar and pulls out a few, "This one is my favourite. We went on tour to Ireland, travelled all over and it was amazing, so I wanted a shamrock shaped one. This one is the first set of merchandise picks the band ever had made and promoted. And this one, this one is awesome it's the ..."

I smile, "The Delorean, yeah, I know. It's a great film." 

Reece puts the jar back, "Well if you're a fan of that film you will love these." He pulls out a box and as he takes of the lid, I see it's full of merchandise from the films.

"Oh my god! These are awesome."

Reece lets me raid through the box and we laugh and chat about the film, trying to outdo each other on movie quotes and trivia about the film. It is a side of him I have never seen before and I'd be massively lying to myself If I did not admit that he is hot, funny and smells heavenly.

I feel his gaze move from my eyes to my lips and I awkwardly jump up and start stuttering, "There's a lot of giggling going on out there....... I wonder what they are playing now." I walk over to the window and look down.

"Well, since Chloe is choosing the games, something that involves sex or bodies touching." He says as he stands up and comes up behind me. "Knew it, it's that stupid balloon game. Moving the balloon from body to body."

I keep my back to him and watch below. "So, I don't get it. The way you are talking about her right now sounds, dare I suggest, resentful? But the way the guys explained it basically suggested that you are a lovesick puppy......and she is like your kryptonite."

"Yeah, I have really put them through a lot. I've been a real dick at times. I half expected them to just boot me out of the band at some points, but they know me, and they know the person I turn into around her is not the real me. She has, in the past, had a way of consuming me and I have spent a while in the gutter trying to avoid her. She is not a bad person; she is just bad for me." He sighs.

"Do you miss her?" I ask, wanting to punch myself in the stomach instantly.

"Weirdly, no. I used to. Her and I would get into difficult situations, the papers would find out, at first it made us the talk of the town but then the papers turned it into bad headlines and she'd disappear for a while. I'll be honest her being here is difficult; not because I want her, but because I know she is here to create a shit storm and my friends do not deserve it. Not again."

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