C- 27 - Bye, bye, bitc....

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The atmosphere changes instantly. Some faces seem open to me proving myself and others have stone cold expressions.

David gently takes my elbow and turns me towards him and, with a soft expression, speaks, "Jamie, you really don't need to do this. The guys were just saying..."

I raise my hand and stop him mid- sentence.

"David, I must speak for myself. I have every right to speak to up for myself and my work. Sit down and enjoy the show." I smile.

I give the guys a quick glance and a reassuring smile. I can easily read their faces; they aren't happy that I've interrupted.

My attention is instantly pulled back to the table when Julie clears her throat and stands, heading straight for me with a wicked grin.

She lets out a low, amused laugh as she picks up my shoes that I had dropped on the table.

"Tell me Jamie, because I'm intrigued... What part of you interrupting this meeting, dressed like a local, crazy homeless woman, did you think was acceptable? I mean seriously, look at yourself! Your tights are filthy, your charity shop shoes are broken and your trousers have a giant hole in them," She turns to face the table, "Is that really what we, as a company, want to represent ourselves with?"

I push past Julie and she lets out huff as I pass her. I stand at the table, capturing the rooms attention.

I nod with a smile.

"Julie isn't exactly incorrect with her words. You must all be horrified at my entrance and appearance, I would be."

I let out a laugh and pull at the pant leg where the hole is.

"I never thought in a million years that I'd love this job. Now look me... I spent the morning boxing, trying to accept my fate but then I realised, I haven't even tried to prove myself to you all yet. So, I rushed and threw a basic presentation together and got lost several time trying to find this huge building. The lift was crazy busy and by that point, I think my adrenaline must have kicked in, because I stupidly decided to run up the stairs. My god there is a lot of steps. So, naturally, I was rushing and got careless and fell over, ripped my new trousers and, somehow, broke my new shoes and I think my legs bleeding. It definitely hurts."

I realise I'm rambling and see Reece grinning.

As soon as I break eye contact with Reece panic sets in and my heart begins to race. I take a deep breath and begin speaking again, unable to hear myself over my heart thumping through my chest.

"My point is, although she is correct, this whole situation is explainable. I'd really like the opportunity to save my job and show you why nobody can do it quite like me."

A lady stands up and she looks around the table at her colleagues.

"This isn't usually how we conduct meetings, but I do appreciate how much effort you have put into coming in. We can push back the meeting by thirty minutes. The floor is yours. Make it count." She smiles as she sits down.

"Thank you." I say with a smile as my heart finally starts to slow down.

I set up the computer and David helps me set up the rest. I hand out some printed paperwork and take a deep breath.

"When I started this job, I admit, I could easily have quit after the first day. I didn't because David saw my potential, way before I did, and TJ, well, he was instantly open to listening and working with me."

In the background I hear Stu say to TJ, "Suck up"

"The other three, they made me work so much harder than I anticipated. They all individually challenged me in new ways. Nick, he was cocky but started to notice the fans engaging more and he wanted to be a part of that. Stu, he lingered around observing a lot at first, but once he started to join in, I saw a new side to him. And Reece, my biggest challenge, by far the biggest pain in my..."

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