C-8 The camera doesn't lie

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"What are you going to do?" Amy looks at me with such confidence that I can fix this and I just stare at her, speechless.

"Amy, I need to try and do some damage control. Do you mind heading up to bed, please?"

I ask in such a defeated way that she just folds her arms. "Jamie, just tell me what you need me to do."

"FINE! Keep track of social media and remove any comments that could fan the flames."

"What are you going to do?" Amy asks.

"I'm going to get dressed and call David. I'm in way over my head and he's familiar with this drama from previous times."

I leave Amy with my iPad and head up to change. David answers on my second ring and within thirty minutes he is at the table with his hands in his hair. "Christ! They do not need this."

"I'm sorry I called, but I don't know this side of things. Reading these negative headlines has always amused me in the past, but now, these ones sting."

"Your call was absolutely the right thing to do. We will work out some damage control together." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Your wife is going to hate me for pulling you here in the middle of the night for news headlines."

David looks up at me and little confused then grins, "Oh, I'm not married." He chuckles. "It was my graduation gift from my Gran. She bought the only size available, adamant she wanted this one and the only finger big enough to secure it happened to be this one. I'm free as a bird, completely single...."

Amy looks up and grins at us both. "That is great to know David, isn't it Jamie?"

"You found anything?" I ask her, moving the conversation on.

"I have found the girl, but I can't access her social media. David are you friends with her?"

David chokes out a laugh, "God no, she hates me."

"Ok, so I need access to someone who's friends with her, or Reece's accounts."

David looks up a little alarmed "Amy, I can't say I agree with breaking the law and account hacking."

Amy laughs, "I just want to compare photos. No hacking involved."

"Oh, right. Sorry, I just assumed"

Amy smiles and makes a tutting sound at David, "What happens when people assume David...."

"Ok, let us get back to the actual problem. Amy try Stu's account; he spends more time with Reece than the others." I say firmly.

Amy smiles, "Nice and I get to check out Stu's pics. Win, win for me."

Together, we work through the night coming up with plans to remove the negative attention. By 6am we're all knackered and David heads out to grab us breakfast and some strong coffee.

Amy is still working her way through social media and I am on the garden swing wondering if we have just lost all the progress we had made?

I am so lost in thought that when a hand gently touches my shoulder, I jump out my skin.

"Jamie it's me, why are you and Amy up so early?" I look up, my heart still calming and see Nick standing there, with concern in his eyes.

"Long story Nick. Good night?" I stand up and pass him and head inside where the others are all at the table with a large bowl, placing pieces of paper in.

Stu grins as he starts adding his papers to the pile. "Nine numbers boys. Nick, how many did you get?"

Nick awkwardly adds his, "Five."

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