C- 17 Crash- Boom- BANG

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After last night's scene, I did not want to get up this morning. I'd successfully ignored the smell of fresh croissants and even the sound of loud, vibrating, banging drums through my bedroom floor but despite how much I tried, I just couldn't ignore the arguing coming from two different areas of the house. Letting out a frustrated groan, I throw the covers off and stomp down the stairs and find Stu and Amy bickering over the phone in her hand.

"She needs to see it!" Amy shouts.

"Not like this, Amy." A frustrated Stu answers.

"At least this way she'll be prepared, it will be plastered all over the papers today anyway. She needs to be prepared." Amy urges.

"Trust me, she doesn't need to see it."

"You would say that, he's your friend." She snipes at him and he shakes his head, annoyed.

"I care about Jamie too!" He says in a frustrated tone.

I walk in and they both turn to me.

"What's going on? Why are you both fighting about?"

Amy pushes in front and waves the phone in my face and I grab it from her.


I give a tired moan and press play and watch as Chloe kisses Reece at the gig last night.

"I tried to stop her, I'm sorry Jamie. I probably should have just told her," Stu says solemnly.

"Told me what?" Amy asks Stu firmly.

"I don't need to see this video; I saw the live performance." I tell her.

"You were there? Why didn't you say hello and stay?" she asks.

In that moment my heart sinks, I have to lie to my best friend. She hated the idea of Reece and I and warned me that he isn't over Chloe and now would be the perfect opportunity for her to say I told you so. Instead, I shrug.

"I will explain later but first, I need to put out the other fire."

"I wouldn't bother, they've been arguing on and off for almost an hour." Amy jokes.

I walk out into the garden and see Reece, Nick and TJ arguing and it's getting quite heated.

"This is the same shit you pull every time Reece!" TJ says, frustrated.

"What's the big deal?" Reece laughs it off, which causes Nick to react.

"The papers are filled with your bloody kiss, no mention at all about our performance or the charity that we were playing for. She's playing the same games, wake up man!"

Reece continues to antagonise the situation with his annoyingly amused smile. Nick steps forward as though he's ready to punch him and TJ steps in front to stop it.

"What are you doing? This does not represent unity or a comeback!" I say loudly waving my arms in the air.

They all turn to me and stare, Reece's smile fades instantly.

"The internet is filled with last night's escapades. Unfortunately it mainly focuses on his tongue in Chloe's throat." TJ huffs.

"It wasn't like that" Reece tries to defend the kiss.

"TJ, Nick, I'm on it. And Reece that's exactly what that was." I say dismissively.

"I was just caught up in the moment; it could have been anyone." Reece says firmly.

"Wow, that's so much better." I say sarcastically.

"Jamie, one more thing. Is that what you wear at night? HOT!" Nick teases and I blush. I glance down and realise I'm in a t- shirt that's barely covering my ass and knickers.

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