C- 34 - The more I know, the more I love you.

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Finally, I got to enjoy a full night sleep and only start to stir when I get this constant, annoying tickling feeling on my nose. I rub my nose several times but it still feels weird, so I finally give in and open my eyes to check what it is, only to I see a smiling Amy with a feather in hand.

"Were you tickling my nose?" I ask groggily and a little confused.

"YES!" She smiles.

"Why?" I ask as I roll over and bury my face into my pillow.

"Because it's date day and you have one and a half hours to get ready.... Is that even enough time?" She questions.

"Is that your way of saying I look like crap?" I laugh, "Because despite the guys setting up a bit of a campfire last, I didn't stay up, so that I wouldn't look like crap." I give her a pointed stare.

She shrugs me off.

"You look fine. You did miss a good night though, TJ, Nick and Stu were pranking each other. TJ won because he posted a picture on Stu's account and now Stu's account is suspended." Amy starts chuckling away to herself and I just stare at her, watching the tears of laughter fall down her face.

"What was the picture?" I ask curiously.

"A FAKE nude!" She bursts into laughter again, this time falling over onto the bed.

"Oh god. I'd better message David and warn him, the media will have fun with that." I sigh.

Amy sits ups and stops laughing, "It's your day off and the picture was funny, it just violated the nudity rules, David can handle it."

I throw the blankets off my legs and head to the bathroom. I grab a shower and head back to Amy. I stop in the doorway, a little shocked that she has spread a selection of outfits across my bed, which is stupid of me because it's Amy! I really should have expected it.

"Hey, ok. I have a pretty decent selection of outfits for your date and I made sure they are a sexy mixture between casual and flirty." Amy says proudly.

"Wow, you have skills! I was literally gone five minutes." I laugh and head over to the bed to check out the selection.

"Which one are you thinking?" She asks excitedly, "The low-cut dress? Or the silk blouse?"

"Erm.... Anything a little more casual?" I ask.

"Jamie, you're on a first official date." Amy says, staring at me firmly.

"Yeah, I know but Reece and I are emotionally and physically past the first date stage. He should know me enough to know I'd prefer jeans and a cute top."

I hear steps coming towards my room and Reece sleepily passes the doorway heading to the bathroom, the footsteps stop suddenly and he start to laugh. Backing up, he peers into the room, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning! How early did Amy wake you up?" He asks, still smiling.

"Not early enough!" Amy insists, "We have so much to do, and she is struggling to pick an appropriate outfit."

Reece looks at the clothes scattered on the bed and shrugs.

"It's only me, wear your jeans and a hoody." He kisses my cheek and heads back towards the door.

"You two are ruining this first date for me! She won't dress up and you don't want her too!" Amy jokingly huffs.

Reece turns to Amy with a soft, understanding smile.

"I promise, there will be plenty of times in the future when you can style Jamie to your hearts content, with Jamie's permission of course."

"Yeah, because you often seek that." I giggle at her.

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