C-13 - The battle between the heart and mind.

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I head upstairs and find clothes already laid out on my bed for yoga by Amy. Though I do debate on hiding out upstairs, but ultimately decide that if they must suffer then, I guess, so do I. By the time I am ready, the yoga instructor is setting up in the garden and even David is here, in rather yummy gym gear.

"I'm sorry I sprung the yoga instructor on them before you had a chance to tell them." David says offering a sincere smiling.

"It's all good. Look at them, they seem more than happy to try it and maybe it will help. I'm surprised you're here"

"I made them a promise at the beginning that we are in this together. I intend to keep my promise." He smiles.

We head outside and begin our yoga warmups. A first we have solo positions then we must pair up. Obviously, Chloe pounces on a reluctant Reece and Amy pairs with Stu.

I team up with TJ and not surprisingly, the two of us work well together.

First, to build team confidence, we start with the Partner Boat Pose. TJ and I have a laugh trying to perfect the position. Once we finally nail it, TJ groans trying hold still, much to my amusement.

"Careful Jamie, I can almost see your camel toe from here," Chloe says as she laughs and instantly, I blush and drop my legs.

"Thank god for that, I have weak legs." TJ says as he lays on the grass waiting for the next position.

I can hear Amy muttering away to Stu about Chloe and I give her the 'I know look'.

Up next is the Double Downward Dog, which I am confident, is far to advanced for us, but I guess it will be a laugh. TJ balances his feet on me as I refuse to rest any weight on him.

Reece and Chloe bicker because she refuses to remove her shoes and her shoes keep poking him in the back.

The final move is the Back bender (That name creates some chuckles amongst the group).

"Reece, you keep poking me in the leg." Chloe jokes.

"I can assure you no part of my body is poking you. Now concentrate." He says unamused.

Amy, who was clearly listening to the uncomfortable conversation, tries to bend low enough to check out his potentially bulging area and topples over knocking Stu into Nick and David.

Amy starts laughing and shrugs when she catches my glare. "What? he's a hot and from a well-known band. It's my duty to check out the area."

"Just no." I respond refusing to acknowledge her comment or glance at Reece.

"Hey, just because you hate the band...." Amy teases.

Chloe laughs.

"Well, that was....... before I....... just keep your eyes to yourself perv," I respond flustered.

Next, we go back into solo yoga poses, which I struggle with slightly more. David and TJ offer some help, much to the amusement of Amy, the show-off, and her perfectly flexible body.

"I can see what Jamie had for lunch." Chloe giggles and I turn to her shocked.

"That is disgusting! Quit looking in that area.... I feel violated" I complain.

"Just to confirm, is it just Chloe who can't peer in that area? Or the group as a whole..." Reece asks with his mischievous grin.

"What? Why?" I ask a little taken a back by his question.

"Honestly? I have a spectacular view, but if you would prefer nobody to sneak peaks then I'll respect that and move...."

Chloe gasps and slaps Reece's arm, "Are you kidding me right now?"

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