C- 39- Jamie crazy fan-girl Fuller

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****Entertainment News Update****

Several days ago, the 'Invisible Girl's' identity was captured during what was described by passers-by as an unprovoked attack on Reece, from Deadly Sins, former flame, Chloe Hillman.

Sources close to Miss Hillman have stated that she does not wish to press charges and that all she is hoping for is that Reece will finally open his eyes to the ugliness that 'Invisible Girl', Jamie Fuller, clearly has inside.

Since her identity has been revealed, we have done some digging into our mystery girl and uncovered some of her secrets, one being her father, whom she hasn't seen since she was a young girl after she was taken away in the night by her mother. We are currently working on an interview exclusive with Mr. Fuller.

Since the attack, Deadly Sins have been mostly working behind the scenes and refusing to comment on the incident. REPORTER Mikaye Leraya has travelled to Jamie Fuller's hometown to find out, is she really trouble for DEADLY SINS? Here is what some of the people had to say:

Lisa - Jamie has always been a great friend and I find it very hard to believe that she would deliberately hurt someone.

Philip - She was such a creepy cow at school, always staring. But I mean look at me, I can hardly blame her.

Abbie - Jamie? Jamie who? Cleary she was a nobody.

Teacher Miss Kimble - Jamie has always been a wonderful girl. She has a good heart, sometimes a little misguided maybe, but her heart was always in the right place. She was always so helpful; A true angel. So no, to answer to your ridiculous question, I don't think that girl, Chloe's, accusations are true.

The video and photos of the incident have been re-tweeted and shared over 50 thousand times so far, and still increasing daily. Team Chloe fans are certainly turning up the heat for Deadly Sins and their management team.

Stay tuned for more news as we receive it.

As soon as I saw the article, I knew my dad could find me if he really wanted too; Lucky for me, it seems he would rather secure a large cash payoff for 'our story', which will likely be filled with lies anyway.

For the last week the house has been crazy busy with preparing for the up-and-coming concert. As we all try to carry on and work through the night club incident and stay silent with press, the more it piques their interest. A weird energy has filled the house since that night, and nobody wants to address it.

I grab my usual spot on the swing and scan through social media, a routine that has increased over the last week.

"Jamie, you need to stop. They will take over your every waking thought if you let them." TJ says as he joins me on the swing.

"I know. It's just, since the article the other day, all of these people..."

"I get it, I do. But those people are just clinging on to whatever shred of fame they can." He shrugs.

"Yeah... Except I never wanted to be famous, and now that I kind of am, it's for supposedly violently attacking CHLOE!"

"We will prove she is a liar. Parker is working on it."

I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. Deep down, I know TJ is right and I do need to just wait. But everyday more lies are surfacing and it is almost as scary the truths that can find me.

I give TJ leg a gentle slap and I stand.

"You should hurry up, the bathroom wars will be starting soon."

"What, you're not coming? We need you today. It's important Jamie."

"TJ, you're watching and picking your supporting acts. You don't need me for that."

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