C-12 - The past stays hidden for a reason.

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Most girls of my age would consider themselves extraordinarily lucky to be living, for free, with four gorgeous guys. However, reality soon kicks in, hard. It is kind of like, when you are waiting eagerly for pay day, literally counting the hours, and then the day arrives and you grab your phone, only to find that, yes, you have been paid, but so has your overdraft and now you're poor all over again. I mean, yes, there are pro's to having them around, but after being stuck together in one house and hardly ever getting a break from them, the little things really do start to make you angry.

"I've done the washing up for you."

For me? The washing up is not in my job description. Expecting me to take care of cleaning the toilet seat, replacing the empty toilet paper roll or even refilling the flipping hand soap. I must ask myself daily, do they seriously not know how annoying they are sometimes?

"Have you seriously not found the glass cupboard yet? Should I label it for you?" I say to a grinning Reece who is, yet AGAIN, drinking straight from the milk bottle.

"Morning Jamie. You're dressed rather smart today. Where are you off to?"

"Do I not usually look smart, Reece? I have a meeting with David and some others at the main office. Is it easy to find?"

"You don't drive do you? On public transport it will be a right pain. Hang on."

Reece heads off into the garden and returns few minutes later returns, "Come on I'll take you. The lads don't need me for a couple of hours."

"You're going to take me?" I say, rather surprised.

"Yep, I need to pop out anyway and its close to where the offices are."

I follow Reece out and he hands me a bike helmet.

"You expect me to wear this...... to ride on that? I'll die!"

Reece chuckles, "Yes I want you to wear this." He places the helmet on my head and secures it, "So, I can take you to your meeting on my bike." He takes my hand and pulls my tense, reluctant body towards his bike.

"I promise you I won't let you die." He says it with a teasing smile but also with the sincerest eyes that I shrug.

"Ok, I actually believe you, so let's go."

Reece climbs on and then helps me climb on behind him, "Wrap your arms around me tightly."

So, I do.


I try to tighten my grip.

"And move them down a little lower."

I realise he is taking the piss and my hands were traveling in a dangerous direction. "Reece!"

"Alright, alright, let's go."

There is something about these guys and the confidence that radiates off them that is helping me breakthrough my own complete lack of confidence. I mean, right now I'm on the back of a motorbike, a MOTORBIKE!  I am petrified but thrilled at the same time.

We're riding through the busy roads, turning corners and tight bends and all I can do I smile and laugh a little. Once we reach some quieter roads Reece goes faster and I scream with excitement, feeling his laughter rumble underneath my hands.

Reece parks and escorts me into the building and takes me to David's floor. The receptionist is smiling and twirling her hair as Reece makes casual chat with her.

"Right, I'm off. Give me a call when you're ready and I'll pick you up."

I smile at him and nod. I watch him leave and sit nervously, waiting for my meeting.

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