C- 9 - And the bubble bursts....

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Reece removes the girl that's attached to his face and she stares at him for a moment in disbelief before scoffing and turning towards the guys and me

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Reece removes the girl that's attached to his face and she stares at him for a moment in disbelief before scoffing and turning towards the guys and me. As soon as she notices me, she steps forward and immediately checks me over. At first, she seems quite tense, then she takes a deep breath and finally speaks, "I'm Chloe. Who are you?"

Her tone takes me by surprise, making me lose all ability to form functional words so I stand there and mutter, "I .... erm...... I'm ......"

She starts to giggle. "Do you have a name?" She starts talking to me slowly and I can feel my cheeks turning red, "Why are you here?"

Nick steps in front of me in an attempt to save me from the confrontation. "Enough Chloe, she lives here. You weren't even invited here. Be nice or get out!"

She pushes him aside, "So, you live here with the boys? So, are you dating one of them or do you work for them?"

I take a deep breath, "Hi, I'm Jamie and yes I work for them."

"She works WITH us, not for us. In fact, she's the real reason you're here." Reece glares at her.

"I'm here because after we saw each the other night you didn't call, I thought you would have. I missed you and thought I'd throw you a party for your comeback launch." She smiles, stepping closer to Reece again.

"Like I said, you're here because of the comeback.... Well Jamie is responsible for its success." Reece starts to grin, and she turns back to me to glare.

"Whatever, she is clearly a nobody and, well look at her, she's clearly not a threat so let us move on. I'm going to finish setting up the garden and you should get changed." She turns and struts away.

Reece passes us all heading for the door and in a firm, annoyed voice bellows, "Band meeting upstairs, now!"

The band follows him and I stand there, relieved that I am not going to that meeting.


I let out a sigh and follow. Once we are away from ear shot Reece turns to face everyone.

"What are we going to do?" Reece asks.

"Honestly, nothing mate. Let's just enjoy the party and be careful. Cancelling it will create so much drama, the night before the launch, it's too risky."

"He's right. She knew exactly what to do," TJ nods.

Nick rubs his hands together and smiles, "So, let's get ready to party."

The guy's shrug and smile as they leave. I call David and warn him about the nights events and he insists that he will pop by to ensure that it stays controlled. I sit and stare out of my window and watch as the setup is nearly complete. There is a knock on my door, then it opens. Reece wanders in and looks me over and frowns, "Why aren't you changed?"

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