C-38 - Pulled from the darkness.....

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The meal continued into well into the late evening hours as the drinks and laughter flowed. The atmosphere is incredible and, for the first time in a long time, I feel completely comfortable within my own skin. With Reece by my side, our hands either entwined or our lips sealed together, I know I am enough for him and for myself.

When I'm not eating, I'm trying to take in a lot of names and, considering my memory is what I consider worse than that of a fish, it has ended badly a few times. Particularly when I was a tad distracted watching TJ and Hazel talking with Parker and accidently called his Auntie Sue 'Uncle Sidney'. Although she did joke about it afterwards with me, she was twitching a lot and her tone seemed to change to something more sinister. Luckily at that moment Reece saved me and refused to leave my side after, for my own safety.

By the time the first part of the evening was over and we said our goodbyes to most of the dinner guests, roughly twelve of us headed out to the night club to dance the night away, despite the fact that we were already exhausted and ready to call it a night, we drag each other along the streets. The only peppy one among us is Amy, who seems to have more energy than all of us put together as she skips down the street, looped onto my arm and hauling around my severely lagging body.

As we enter through the back of the club, we are escorted to the VIP lounge. The drinks continued to flow as we all sing along and chat. Later, as the club fills up, we split up into smaller groups as some head to the dance floor. Amy and I stay in the lounge area and watch as Stu, Nick, TJ, Reece, David, and Parker all do the most ridiculous dances. The six of them end up being circled and clapped around as they show off their crazy moves.

Amy and I laugh as we see a whole new side to David as he holds onto his foot and hops arounds in circles and watch Nick and Stu serenading each other jokingly.

As the night slowly moves into the early hours, I'm with TJ at our seats as the others continue to dance or have moved on to the pool room.

"TJ, why haven't you asked Hazel to dance yet?"

He lets out a sigh and he finishes his drink.

"I've tried to ask her at least four times, but she seems to be enjoying herself with others. She doesn't get out much so I'm biding my time."

I let out a low laugh.

"You're wimping out! Just go over there and start dancing near her and slowly move in front of the competition and destroy it."

TJ raises his eyebrows a little surprised by my plan, but then looks over to Hazel and I can see him working through the plan in his mind.

"Ok, let's do this."

He stands and straightens his shirt and holds out his hands. I stare at him a little puzzled, this was not a part of the plan.

"I'm not going down there."

He walks closer and gives me a small smile.

"Jamie, your boyfriend is down there and you're up here. He is surrounded by HOT girls and yet, his eyes are mostly on you. Now I admit, you can't be his centre of attention in front of everyone, but you can dance near him and with him within the group."

He holds his hand out again and with a small amount of hesitation, I take it and we head to the others on the dance floor. As soon as they spot us, they cheer and as I dance away with Amy and the others, I watch as TJ slowly makes his way to a smiling Hazel. I watch as they start to dance and talk and within a couple of songs, Hazels whole focus appears to be on a very happy TJ.

"Can we focus on me now?" I hear Reece whisper as he circles closer to me for a dance.

"I suppose...." I grin.

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