C-19 - Knocking down the wall and knowing nothing changes

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I can't believe he invited my mother, my bloody mother.... 

"Amy, can you sit with my mum for a second, I need a minute with Reece."

I take Reece's hand. He grins as I drag him through the garden, only stopping when I hear my mother yelling up the garden,

"You could at least pretend to be happy to see me!" She jokes.

I turn and give her a big fake smile, "I would mum, but remember how much I sucked in drama classes?"

I turn back and drag Reece into the kitchen. 

"Why? Why my mum?" I ask.

"It's a family and friends BBQ, why wouldn't we invite her?" 

"Because it is my mother. We do not socialise together anymore because we could not be more different. Now I am forced to do it, thanks you." I sigh.

"I will keep her company, so will Amy, but I do think you should make a little effort as well. She misses you and is so proud of everything you've achieved with us." 

I look out the window and watch as she smiles, chatting and laughing with Amy and Stu. It's been a long time since I've seen her look so relaxed and happy. 

"Fine, I'll grab her a quick drink and then help you cook..." 

"You don't need to help me co..." He looks at me and gives me a small smile, "Sounds good, but don't rush."

I grab my mum some of Amy's, now rather popular, punch and head over to my mum. We sit and chat a little and the conversation is less awkward than I expected. 

After, I head over to Reece and help with the BBQing and we bicker about who cooks the best burgers and sausages which results in a competition, of course. Just as we start serving up, Julie, the girl from the office a few days ago, strolls into the garden and heads straight for David who is in the pool with a couple of others.

"Julie, nice to see you here, but I didn't expect you

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"Julie, nice to see you here, but I didn't expect you." David says, trying to avoid the splashes aimed at his face from TJ. 

"I know it's not technically a workday, but an important email arrived for you, and it's definitely important."

A shiver travels down my spine as her gaze lands on mine and I instinctively move behind Reece a little, which captures his attention and he looks up staring back at her.

"No business, at least not until we've all eaten. Computer away." Reece says.

"Fine with me, as long as David is happy to wait." Julie smiles. 

"Absolutely, jump in. Jamie, do you have a spare suit?" David asks. 

Before David has a chance to even get a response, Julie sheds her clothes, like a snake shedding its skin, revealing very sexy underwear and jumps into the pool.

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