C- 18 There's no smoke without fire.

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Three days ago, Reece apologised to his fans and since then the whole band has stayed under the radar when leaving the house, despite the many attempts by Chloe to just 'risk it.' Instead, we've gone back to updating on social media and interacting there. Unfortunately for me this meant waking up before my alarm to do a pre-recording of a boxing lesson with TJ. The fans really enjoy his lessons and have enquired many times about my identity, for now I'm known as 'TJ'S mystery girl,' which he hates.

"Concentrate, punch right, defend left and kick high." TJ says for the fourth time.

"I am concentrating." I sigh.

TJ stops and laughs, "You're staring at the breakfast table!"

"That's because I'm hungry! The food smells amazing and Reece and Stu are deliberately distracting me by waving it in our direction." I say with a small chuckle and a rather guilty look.

TJ turns around and they laugh, dropping the food in their hands and shake their heads in denial.

TJ turns back around, "Again, let's go!"

Before I can even finish my sigh, food flies across the garden hitting TJ on the side of his face. He ducks for cover, turning and using me as a shield.

"TJ what the hell!" I say in laughter.

They all stop for a moment and then give each other devilish smiles before they start firing again.

"Sorry Jamie..." Stu shrugs.

I break free from TJ and start grabbing food and throwing it back.

"TJ, man up and get them!"

TJ smiles and joins in. It's a loud call from Nick that breaks up the fight.

"David's here!"

A few minutes later and David arrives, in his suit, on potentially the hottest day of the year so far.

"David what are you doing here? It's a Saturday." Reece asks rather abruptly.

"I'm here to see Jamie. Just a couple of projects that need signing off." David smiles.

"It's Saturday and she has been at the office for three whole days. It's her day off." Reece says, annoyed.

I walk over and shake the food off myself.

"It's fine Reece. David let me shower and I'll run through it all with you."

David reaches over for some breakfast and Reece stops him, "That's Jamie's."

I turn to Reece and give him the 'quit it' look. In turn, he gives me a look that I know far too well and I blush.

I head to the shower and my mind can't let go of that look. The 'I want to kiss you look' that, up until three days ago, he was welcome to do. No, I just need to refocus. I mean, yes, I wrote a statement and he took out the massive part about him still having feelings for Chloe ... Blah, blah, blah.... But he changed it and I've avoided talking to him about it since to find out why.

I jump out of the shower and change. Just as I step out of the door I nearly walk into Reece, who is now covered in sauce and dripping.

"What the hell happened?" I choke out a laugh.

"Well, when you left things turned a little ugly and sauces were used in a full-blown attack." He says, a little surprised.

I start to laugh, "You guys always go too far!"

He raises an eyebrow and smiles, "It was DAVID actually!"

"What? No! Really? Wow!" I smile.

"You don't have to look so impressed. He has always been one of the lads, he just acts more reserved these days, but that's what office life does to you. Something I don't recommend for you." He gives me a firm stare.

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