C-5 - I did not ask for wings because I would prefer not to fly.

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Weirdness still looms around the group after the party a couple of days ago. Reece is still extremely silent around me and the lads.

We have spent the morning filming a short greeting to the fans and asking them to post questions that will be answered by all four members (we hope) on a set date. Fans have not yet been told why that date yet, but it is the website launch day.

Nick, Stu, and I are in the garden discussing their discography, they are planning on playing me every song and telling me the story behind each one. By song three I swear my ears are bleeding and begging for mercy.

"So, that's three songs down. Maybe a break for my ear drums?" I plead jokingly.

"I thought you liked the second song. You smiled at the end...ohhh" Nick laughs.

Whilst recently researching their old news headlines I had noticed that half of the group are rather discreet in the romance department, which got me very curious.

"New topic! You guys are surprisingly good at keeping your love lives secret."

Nick nods and smiles "We have all been pretty put off by Reece's ex and how much their lives were exposed. TJ wants to keep his personal life separate now; we don't blame him for that. If the person you date is not considered good enough for whatever reason, they get slaughtered, and to know it is because we have taken them on a date or something.... Kind of kills the mood."

"Stu there's been a few headlines for you...." I grin.

"Yeah, I like to have fun and live. I have had to reign it in though as this comeback is important and I need to focus. Plus, all headlines should be positive right now, you know."

"I completely agree, but you can still date" I nod.

"It's not worth it, not right now. I've been seeing someone for a couple of months, but while I'm working on this, we've agreed on taking time apart" Nicks winks.

Our chat abruptly stops when Reece stomps out followed by an annoyed TJ.


"It is just one. It's not a big deal." Reece laughs.

Nick stands up to back up TJ, "Come on Reece, it's just another headline that we will have to prove ourselves over."

Reece's smile fades slightly and he starts texting. After a few minutes he looks up with a huge, smug grin. "Ok, I'm a reasonable guy. You choose, either I go to the party or we have a BBQ 'party' here?"

Stu grins and laughs." I'm up for that, it could be fun"

TJ looks around to us all and sighs. "Fine we'll have a small BBQ here, but I mean it when I say small"

Reece grins and winks at the guys "I'll handle it all. Shall I say 6 pm? Oh, could you guys prep the garden, tidy up and set up lights, etc...."

Stu sinks in his chair, instantly regretting agreeing to this. "Famous last words, I'll handle it all......before giving us all the jobs to do."

"Alright lads let's get started on the clean-up. We agreed to this, so let us try and do it with a smile." TJ says standing up.

"Jamie, you should invite Amy. I'm sure she'd love to come to one of our BBQ's, plus you said you missed her, right?" Stu grins.

"Are you trying to get into my best mates' pants? Stu that's gross!" I cringe at him "But yeah she would love to come. I'm going to pop out to grab some cold foods for the BBQ and I'll invite her."

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