C-4 The average dark side has four exits; you just need to want to use them.

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After Reece's outburst I avoided him like the plague, focussing instead on the rest of the group and building their fanbase back. TJ is getting ready to do his first live online fan interaction with Nick. Stu and I have been fixing up the bands website page and getting ready for the launch day that we have now set a potential date for.

With the launch day getting closer I need to get Reece on board. The band has tried to get him join in with our projects but so far, he is remaining stubborn.

After another day of TJ, Stu and Nick reaching out and updating their social media accounts, we spend the evening eating together at the table whilst they also start working on some new music.

Reece wanders in and chuckles as he walks to the fridge and drinks some milk from the bottle (massive pet peeve, agh).

"Reece, come and check out some of the stuff we've written." Nick's tone is more of a demand then a request.

"No can do, I'm heading out. Jaden is having a party, so I said I'd swing by." Reece states, instantly dismissive.

"Three guesses for the real reason you're going there.... has she rung you yet? All this activity online must be attracting her attention" Stu stares smugly.

"Shut your mouth Stu! You don't know what you're talking about as usual" Reece bites back.

TJ stands up and tries to calm the tempers that are clearly rising. "Reece, party tonight if you really need to, but tomorrow we need you man. We have the launch coming up and we need to have some songs ready for the studio dates."

"I hear you TJ, I'll try and be about tomorrow, ok." Reece gives TJ a fake smile and walks out.

As soon as the door slams Nick slams his fist on the table "He's the reason why we're fighting for a comeback, he could at least make an effort!"

Stu responds with a bitter tone "It's not him, it's her."

I look at them confused "Who? Oh wait, the girl who was pictured with him in a load of the headlines?"

Stu pulls out his phone and holds up her picture. "The funny thing is, he is so convinced you are the one who is secretly fame hungry, yet she's never once hidden that that's all she wants. She only reaches out and hooks up with him when he's getting attention and as soon as he messes up, she's gone without a goodbye."

TJ and Nick nod in agreement, "She has messed him up." TJ says clearly fed up with the situation.

"This comeback will bring her back from the sewers, it's just a matter of time." Stu says it with such certainty that dread fills my stomach. I have so much to do to get them back on track and I get the feeling that she will be my biggest derailment in regrouping Reece with the others.

"Guys get dressed. We're going to a party." They look at me shocked as I say the words and then Nick starts to laugh as he speaks

"What party would that be?"

"You know what party! If the threat is coming, I need to at least try to talk to him first and let's face it, he won't talk to me here, so I will have to go to him. You guys in?"

"Well, you aren't going in alone. These aren't regular parties; they are most likely the opposite to any you've been too." TJ words creep me out.

"So, we will all go, but TJ is right they are awful parties. They are mostly fuelled by drink and drugs."

My shocked tone amuses them "REECE does drugs?"

TJ smiles at me and shakes his head." Not anymore, he explored a while back but now he is clean. Thankfully, that's a path he didn't take"

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