C-20 The secrets we keep

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After yet another rubbish night's sleep I head downstairs to join the guys who are all up early. Hazel and Joey are in the pool, Nick and Stu are taking funny selfies and posting them online whilst interacting with fans and Reece and TJ are boxing. Reece looks knackered and is punching and kicking hard.

"What's with him?" I ask Stu and Nick pointing at Reece.

"Still pissed about yesterday, he has already been hassling David to fix it this morning." Stu answers.

"Here take this, I made it for Reece but it's going cold." Nick hands me a cup of coffee.

"You guys need to get ready to go, we leave in an hour." I say tapping my watch.

"Yes boss. GUYS HEAD IN!" Nick shouts to the others.

After a few minutes everyone heads in except Reece, he continues to punch the hell out of the punch bag. I walk over to him and offer a small smile.

"That my coffee?" he asks, and I nod and pass it to him.

He looks at it and notices its half missing. I try to discretely wipe the froth from my mouth. He smiles, downs the coffee and resumes punching the bag.

He leaves me no choice and with a small sigh I lean down and grab TJ's boxing gloves, even though they are rather big for my hands and disgustingly sweaty.

After a few minutes Reece stops to look at me and asks, "Did he ever hurt you?"

The question catches me of guard and I step forward and start punching the bag.

"Once. He hurt my arm. I told my mum I did it at school." I take a step back and Reece resumes punching.

"You have no pictures on social media of your face......even your account name is a nickname."

"Amy got tired of me not being on social media, so she set me up an account. She controls it all, so my face is safe."

"You shouldn't have to live like that, not because of......him."

"I'm used to it. The world doesn't know what it's missing though, I take a mean selfie." I grin.

He stops punching again.

"Even having a photo of you puts you at risk. I have some from the beach, I need to delete them."

"Wait, why? Do I look goofy?" I ask jokingly.

"Jamie I'm serious! Someone hacked my account and sent an email to get you fired. Who's to say they won't plaster you online.?"

He pulls out his phone and I grab it.

"Don't delete our memories!"

In that moment I realise how much he cares, I confided in him and now he's scared for me.

I take off the gloves and step closer to him. I remove his gloves despite some resistance on his part.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm ok."

"Jamie, you're giving me that look, the one I give you."

I blush, "I know, I tried not to."

Stu breaks the moment when he shouts, "CAR'S HERE IN TWENTY!"

Reece and I laugh off the moment and head inside

"I can't believe you stole half of my coffee!" He jokes.

I raise my eyebrow and smile, "You so knew I would."

Reece heads upstairs. TJ and Nick are watching YouTube videos and Stu is sitting with his guitar working on some music.

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