C-22 The morning after the night before.

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As soon as they begin to drive off, panic sets in. This can't be happening! He's left, thinking I want TJ? I turn and head back into the club, show my stamp to the doorman and push through the crowded place to find Amy. Instead, I find Stu, who tries to slow me down by grabbing a hold of both my shoulders.

"Jamie what's up?"

Breathlessly, I answer in a panic.

"I need to find Amy! I need my phone.... He's left with Chloe and thinks......." I free my shoulders and look around, desperate to find her.

"Jamie, she's gone to the toilet and is grabbing your coats. She will be back in a minute." He smiles softly, "I'll try and ring him."

I can't stand around just waiting, I head straight for the bathroom. She's in there talking to some other girl. No time for manners so I interrupt their chat.

"I need my phone now!"

Amy looks up surprised and hands me my phone. Immediately I call him but he doesn't answer and so send I him a message. Hanging up, I let out a frustrated scream.

"What's up with you?" She asks, looking a little worried.

"GEE, I don't know? Maybe that I just accidentally made out with TJ?" I snap at her.

"Right, you said you liked him. He is a great guy. Clearly, he likes you and he kissed you back! What's the problem?"

I look at Amy and let out a huge breath, she doesn't know I like Reece because I deliberately hid it from her. All she has seen is TJ and I laughing and being friendly with each other. She thought she was helping.

I pull her to the side of one of the sinks and speak quietly, "It wasn't him I wanted to kiss."

She stares at me for a minute and then her mouth drops, "REECE?"

I nod.

"Oh Jamie.... Have I massively messed this up for you?"

"This is my fault. I should never have hidden my feelings from you, no matter what, you've always had my back. He left with her Amy. She's going to get pregnant and they'll get married...They'll even get a dog!"

"It's one night. They can't do ALL of that in one night, this isn't a chick flick. So tomorrow we'll fix it."

Amy pulls me into a hug and then we head out to meet Stu and the other two.

"Stu, any luck?"

He shakes his head.

"He is probably headed to the hotel, come on." TJ says and leads us out of the club.

Nick flags down a taxi and they all start piling in.

"Come on Jamie!" Nick shouts.

I stand back, "Guys I'm going to head home. If you hear anything, please give me a text."

"Of course. We will fix this." Amy says with a smile.

"Jesus, it was a drunken kiss, he won't be giving it a second thought. He'll be off shagging Chloe by now." Nick laughs.

Feeling even more miserable now, I slam the car door and grab my own taxi. Once I'm home I let security know I'm back and head into the house. Since we weren't planning on coming back here tonight, no one left any of the lights on in the main rooms and it's scarily dark; the backroom light is the only one on. Turning on the other lights, I see a shadow move and jump, letting out a small scream and a few choice words.


As I regain some of my composure, I walk around the corner to the lit-up room and see sitting there, at the dining room table is...

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