C-21 Some things you just don't see coming.

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The words shoot out of my mouth and other than a highly amused Reece, who's grin is annoyingly wide as he enjoys my reaction, the others stare at me a little confused.

"What? Come on this is ridiculous. You banned her from the house and now you want him to ...." I can't finish the sentence. Luckily, I don't have to because David jumps in.

"I appreciate that this is a little unorthodox, but we don't have many options. If Reece could find out if Chloe sent that email, it could get your contract renewed."

"Surely there is a better way?" I question, but I see the determined look in David's eye, and I sigh, looking away.

"I have been going through every option in my head and this is the only viable one. She's here, right now and not planning on leaving. Let's play her at her own game." David says as he stares in Chloe's direction.

"Does anyone care what I think?" Reece asks, drying his sweaty forehead off with the bottom of his t–shirt, revealing some rather yummy, tanned skin.

"Absolutely, what are your thoughts?" David asks.

"I hate it. I don't want to spend any extra time with her, and I don't want to mislead her into thinking that we will get back together. But if there's a chance she is involved and finding that out could somehow get Jamie's job back, then it's a no brainer, right?"

The rest of the guys all nod.

"Great, can I finally eat?" Stu asks with a grin, then he takes Amy's hand and heads over to Joey and Hazel. Nick and TJ follow, leaving David, Reece and me still awkwardly standing in silence.

"I still don't like it." I grumble.

"David, go ahead and join the others. We will catch up." Reece insists and David nods and leaves.

"So, neither of us like it but we don't have a better idea either. I'm not letting you lose your job because of whatever game she is playing. I understand why you hate the idea, but I don't want to be with her. Jamie, please look at me."

I look up at him.

"You wanted me to work through the lingering feelings, so I will use this as the opportunity to do that, but I need you to know that I...." He stops midsentence and just stares at me. It's the look I know so well, the look that makes me wake up with a smile, the look that belongs to ME.

"Ok, I'll try and get on board with the plan."

He gives me his annoyingly sexy grin and I let out a low laugh and bite my bottom lip. Reece steps forward and there's a heat in his eyes I haven't seen before and his gently pushes some loose hair from my face.

"You are so beautiful."

His eyes wander to my lips and I all I want to do is step forward and kiss him, show him how much I miss his kisses. But I can't. So, with a heavy sigh we both step back and walk back to the others.

Just like that, a new plan was set. Reece would spend time with Chloe to find out if she sent the email or someone else did. To everyone else the plan was simple, and nobody would really get hurt, but my gut instinct tells me that I will lose him for good this time, to the girl who has the strongest pull of all to his heart. Chloe.

Over the next three days I mainly focused on the upcoming gig to make sure everything was ordered and booked for the date picked. David's job was the permit for the concert and the noise permit. The guys are 100% invested in helping with the organising, which was super helpful. When they weren't writing or performing, they were with me designing things and making decisions.

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