C- 28 - I spy with my little eye.

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"Can you call Parker in to work on the contracts with us, Reece? He is normally whom you trust to handle the legal side." The lady from before says.

Reece lets go of TJ and smiles.

"Yes, of course. He is close by."

Reece sends a quick text and after a few minutes looks up smiling.

"He is just downstairs; he will be straight up."

We all head to David's office whilst the contracts are discussed and altered. After a long hour or so, Parker walks in with three copies of the contracts, he reads it through with us all and David and I sign them. Nick, Stu and TJ all sign the paperwork and head outside, leaving Reece, pen at the ready, Parker and I the only ones left in the office. Parker blocks Reece from signing and looks him sternly in the eyes.

"What you did in there was reckless. You could have lost everything! For a girl you aren't even dating yet." Parker says quietly.

Reece looks back at me while grinning and pushes Parker's hand out of the way and signs the new contract.

"I mean it Reece. No offence to Jamie, she seems like a nice girl, but this is like what you did last time for a girl and it nearly finished your career." He says firmer.

"Parker, I hear you, I do," Reece turns to look at me, "But this IS different. Now are we done with all the paperwork?" Reece asks calmly.

Parker sighs and checks the paperwork over.

"Yes, everything is in order. Little brother."

Reece gives his brother a nod then closes the space between them with a manly hug. Parker finally seems to relax and they both let out a low laugh.

Reece pulls back and reaches out for my hand.

"Let's go celebrate with the others."

I give him a smile and we head out to join the rest of the group.

Once we all reunite in the hallway, the guys start hugging and making celebratory noises.

"Let's grab some dinner and then going dancing?" Suggests Nick.

The group excitedly agrees and we start planning the rides.

"Before I go anywhere, I need to change and clean up my leg." I insist.

Hazel smiles, "I can't join you anyway, so I can drop Jamie home and once she is all sorted, she can meet up with you all."

"Sounds like a plan, do you need me?" Amy asks with a mischievous smile, "Or maybe Reece would be better, since he'll know how to get to the restaurant."

"That's fine I'll stay with Jamie and we can meet you. Just message me where and times, yeah?"

"Sorted! Let's go!" TJ says, rubbing his belly.

We all head out of the office and part ways. The car ride with Hazel is hilarious, she plays awful music to deliberately annoy Reece, who instantly takes the bait, and they bicker the whole way home.

As soon as we get inside, he kisses my cheek.

"I'll dig out the first aid kit and you head upstairs and get your leg ready for surgery. I should warn you, I have never removed a leg before but I am considered a master at slicing meat for the BBQ." He shrugs and wanders into the kitchen and I head to my room.

I stand there for a moment, what I should do is lift my trouser leg but, I do need to change them and well, we are alone...

I carefully kick off my trousers and sit on the edge of the bed with my shirt barely covering my thighs. I hear Reece finally making his way upstairs and I start to panic. What am doing? Too late now. Reece stops mid stride and his eyes wander up my legs to face and his eyes darken.

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