C-6 - Fire exits located

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C-6 – Fire exits located

After Reece finally agreed to be more proactive, with conditions attached of course, I had to start thinking outside the box. He is almost guaranteed to hate anything I suggest so I decide to start off with a small practice task. I wake up early to go shopping to grab the essentials and set up, ready for the guys to come down. Nick, Stu, and TJ are down first and do not even notice the table that's all set up for the mornings task. They just head outside following the aroma of breakfast.

Reece eventually stumbles down from his room, half dressed and heads straight for the table. He stops and takes it all in and groans, "Where's the real food?"

"It's outside. Why are you half naked?" I sigh.

"Would you prefer, Jamie, if it was the other half exposed?" He smugly grins as I blush and instantly reply "No! Don't be so gross."

He walks off chuckling to himself and joins the others outside.

Once they have finished, they head in and stare at me with amusement.

"Should we be scared" Nick jokes.

"No, this is a practice run for launch day! You guys are going to bake and design cupcakes for your fans. I've bought you icing pens to practice your signatures with and lots of different icing colours for your individual creative designs." I smile enthusiastically.

"Is this a good time to mention that while I may have an extremely awesome musical talent, I'm incredibly shit at art." Frowns Stu.

"I have that covered too. Templates and already iced decorations." I hold up the decorations. Stu and TJ smile as they search through them.

The guys grab seats and start chatting and joking about their designs. All except for Reece, who stands there, arms crossed. "I'm not doing it."

"Why?" I ask, already prepared for his answer.

"Because I'm not five and I'm not wasting my time baking cakes, this is ridiculous!" He moans.

"I figured you'd say that, so I have a plan B for your cakes." I grin.

"Oh really? What plan is that?" He asks annoyed.

"I've asked someone else to be on standby as a backup to design some for you. I figured you'd complain about something." I shrug.

"Come on man, just join us. It'll be a laugh." TJ says, already starting his cake mix.

"We are far too old for this shit, it's embarrassing." Reece turns to me glaring in a playful challenging way. "Who have you asked to design mine?"

I try to hold in my giggle as I say who I asked. "David's niece"

"SHE IS SIX! "Reece says exasperated.

"Yet mentally older and probably more responsible than you" Nick laughs.

Reece grabs a t shirt off the chair and sits down. "A six-year-old, seriously?"

Reece sits there stubbornly while the others start on making their cakes. After watching the others mess about with the ingredients, Reece finally starts to join in. Despite his reluctance it does not take long for the room to fill with jokes and rude cupcake design ideas. Nick and Reece partially burn theirs but still happily decorate them. TJ takes his time perfecting each cupcake design and even longer on his autograph, I can't help but watch and smile as he works on them. Stu on the other hand is the least patient one and pushes the cupcakes together, smears icing over them all and with the icing pen makes one giant signature. Stu pushes back in his chair and proudly smiles "I'm done, what's next?"

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