C- 32 - The secret thoughts we keep.

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I continue to watch as the band socialises and Amy starts grinning.

"This was 'The Big Plan?' Throw a party and plaster it on social media?" I say looking around confused.

"Ok, I know this looks bad but at least they are throwing an awesome party." Amy shrugs as she starts heading out into the garden, presumably to find Stu.

I take a deep breath as I prepare to step into the insane world of judgment, criticism and money when a hand gently hooks my elbow and tugs me back.

"Jamie! You're back. Where's Amy?" Asks a rather tipsy David as he throws a worried look outside, mostly likely for checking for Reece.

"So, who's stupid idea was this? And what's the actual point of it?" I ask firmly.

David looks away, "Let me get Reece and we can go somewhere private, ok? Hold on."

David heads off into the garden and find Reece. Reece instantly looks up and slightly pales. Instantly, I know this won't be good. 

As he walks towards me, his eyes roam over my body and instantly darken. As he gets closer, I step forward to kiss him but David blocks him.

"Let's go into the other room for more privacy." David says.

I look at Reece. His body language is tense but his face is suddenly unreadable.

Reece walks past David and, once we're all in the next room, David closes the door.

"Right, down to business." David says turning to me and my panic begins to set in.

Reece holds his finger up to David, pausing him for a moment. David sighs when Reece closes the gap between us and kisses me. When he pulls back, he grins, "You look beautiful. Great choice."

"Reece, we need to get back out there." David says impatiently.

"Fine. Go ahead David." He sighs as he backs away, so that David has my full attention.

"The purpose of this evening's party is to showcase the fun of the members single life and the unity of the band. By plastering all over social media, we can control some of the rumours going around. This will help to keep your identity remaining a secret, as people will lose interest and the band can continue on to a successful comeback."

David delivers his clearly well thought out and practiced speech, but something doesn't feel right. David looks at me like he's not finished and Reece looks conflicted.

"What aren't you saying?" I ask and David's hands move through his hair, then the other hand moves to my shoulder and his eyes meet mine.

"For tonight, Reece needs to appear to be single, and since the chemistry between you two is highly notable at this point, you should either stay indoors, away from it, or act single yourself."

The words are an instant blow and I step back to drop onto the sofa. I find the courage to look up at Reece and struggle to find the words. When I do, they are a quiet whisper.

"You're ok with this? Really?"

Reece says nothing. He turns his attention to David and with an annoyed tone, "David leave us for a minute, please."

"I don't think that's a good idea." He responds.

"I don't care. Get out." Reece demands.

As soon as David leaves and closes the door, Reece closes the space between us and crouches down so we're eye level.

"You want a night of being single?" I say bitterly.

"No, I hate it. It wasn't my idea, but I do see the merit in it. Otherwise, I'd have punched someone by now."

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