C - 33 - The complications of a beating heart.

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Nick helps me get Reece cleaned up and, after wedging Reece onto his side with his face over the bin, I sit and watch him sleep for a little while, hearing his words repeat in my mind. He loves me. To be fair, I love him and it's stupid that we both feel it but haven't said it to each other. Why are we both hesitating?

And of course, there's the mind exploding, heartbeat rising mention of marriage. He has thought about that? I mean, wow. Am I completely against it? No.

I manage to get some sleep but after last night's disastrous ending and Reece's confessions, my mind is struggling to shut down and relax. I wake up first, as normal, and head downstairs. I flick through social media and grab some breakfast. I'm sticking some bread in the toaster and my mind thinks back about Blake last night, I shouldn't have created a scene, I know better.

"Jamie, your toast is burning!"


Amy's body nudges me out the way and she pulls my toast out.

"Geeze how high was that setting?" She laughs then turns to me and smiles, handing me the now very charred toast, "You may want to put some more in."

I take the toast and blush, "There's nothing wrong with it, it's fine."

"It's black! You hate burnt toast and this is way worse than just burnt. What's up with you?" She asks, taking the toast from my hands and pulling me out of the kitchen.

"Sorry. Just distracted, I guess. I'll be fine." I smile but Amy doesn't believe it for one minute.

"Ok, get dressed! The guys are all asleep, let's go for a walk and get breakfast." She gives me her 'Don't argue look' and I nod. We both get cleaned up and changed then head into town.

We walk through the park, find a seat by the lake, and watch the ducks swim their way over to us, quacking away in hopes of some bread. Amy lies down on the grass, happily making daisy chains.

"So, are you going to tell me what's on your mind and distracting you?" She asks, continuing her chain.

"Too many things. Last night with Blake, Reece and I and how he feels." I mumble.

That captures Amy's attention instantly. She sits straight up, suddenly overly interested in everything I have to say.

"Talk to me in whatever order you need to, but ideally the juicy stuff first." She giggles.

"Reece, whilst drunk last night, said 'I love you.' And if that wasn't crazy enough, he mentioned marriage" I say, desperately trying to hide my smile.

"JAMIE!  That's incredible! Drunk Reece never holds back from you, does he?"

Chuckling, "No, he doesn't."

"So, why is it bothering you?"

"Honestly, it's really stupid, but if we both feel the same way.... Which we do apparently.... Why haven't we just said it to each other? What's holding us both back?"

"Jamie, that's some serious over analysing! Maybe you just wanted to wait for the right moment? You have both had a lot of shit going on, you haven't really had any time for just you and him."

"That's true. Maybe I should suggest it?"

"Or you could look at the schedules and just plan something?"

"Yeah, I guess that would work to. It's not likely he'll decline."

"Exactly." She smiles.

She places the daisy chain on my head and beams.

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