C-7 - The choices you make daily, change the worlds' view...

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I do not know what I was expecting the night after the meal. I was feeling anxious and awkward around Reece for at least half a day until I realised, he has no idea that anything happened, and if he did, he clearly just wants to forget about it.

After a few days, I'd managed to push it far into the back of my mind and the only one still wanting to remember it is, of course, Amy. The guys are nervously waiting to head into the recording studio this morning so after breakfast I chill in the sunshine and practice my guitar skills. I am attempting to play my way through a song as I learn. TJ is sitting with me and guiding me as I go and Nick and Stu are messing about with their phones.

Stu's loud, groaning voice gets my attention as he walks past us and heads indoors, a few moments later he comes out with a huge keyboard piano. He places it down in front of me with a frown.

"Your practicing is killing me! Please, please try a new instrument."

"Do I suck that bad?" I ask.

"Yes, and I am the only one apparently prepared to tell you, but I like you and we all must live together so, honesty is the best option. Right?" Stu asks.

I hand the guitar back to TJ and smile. "Thank you for trying. I told you I had zero musical skills and I guess that's just been confirmed." I give them both a little laugh and start pressing the keyboard keys.

"Stu, that was way harsh." Nick says walking over.

"If it helps, TJ sucks as a guitarist and a teacher, so you can totally blame him." Stu punches TJs arm.

TJ checks his phone, "Cars almost here, someone grab Reece."

Nick leans over and quietly whispers "I'll give you some lessons later, don't stress about it. There's also some great apps if you get bored."

"Thanks Nick. Have fun." I smile.

I let out a sigh and randomly tap the keys. I hear footsteps approaching; Reece stands there drinking milk from the bottle again!

"I thought you were learning guitar?" He questions.

"I was but apparently I suck and am unteachable." I shrug.

"Nah, I told you TJ wasn't skilled enough to teach you." Reece smugly grins.

TJ walks over and grabs Reece's arm, "The cars waiting man. You sure you don't want to come Jamie?"

"No, this is a band thing. I can't wait to hear about though." TJ walks over and kisses the top of my head then turns heading back to Reece. As they leave, I hear Reece laughing at him "Did you seriously just kiss her head? That's such a friend zone mistake."

Once they leave, I get ready and meet up with Amy, she insists we go shopping and have a beauty and wax day. I am used to these random days now, so I just shrug and get on with it. Of course, there are some topics she desperately wants to discuss but since we are out in public and I refuse to talk in 'code' she begrudgingly lets it go... for now.

Amy spends her money on a few very revealing outfits and I buy socks, warm, fluffy socks.

After we grab some lunch, we make our way towards the extremely high-end shops that Amy insists that we must at least window shop at and maybe even try a 'pretty woman moment.' Though embarrassing rejection is tempting, I decline.

"So, where are the guys again?" She grins.

"You know where. The recording studio on Beach Cliff." I look at her waiting for either Stu or Reece to be snuck into conversation.

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