C-29 The wicked games she plays.

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Despite having an extremely late, hot night with Reece, and the initial panic of Chloe discovering our relationship, we knew we all had to put on our game faces for the day at the farm. The guys have a photoshoot and I have a concert to prepare for with David.

The guys fill us in on their night whilst we have a quick breakfast.

"You should have seen Amy shaking her booty on the dance floor. Every person in the room wanted her for the whole three minutes and forty seconds." Stu brags as he kisses her.

I playfully smile. "Amy the centre of attention? I don't believe it."

"Shut it you, nobody knows about our nights out." Amy giggles.

"For the record, TJ and I didn't actually 'want her,' though I admit you do have some hot moves." Nick grins.

Amy turns and smiles. "Nick you certainly had some moves yourself! Those girls flocked to you when you did that spinney dip thing."

"OH, I want to see it!" I say.

Nick stands up and walks over to me and takes my hand, moving us to an open space

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Nick stands up and walks over to me and takes my hand, moving us to an open space. He starts re-enacting his moves from last night. He suddenly spins and hooks his arm around me and out of nowhere, our bodies are crushed together and his breath lingers with mine, causing me to blush.

Reece clears his throat and I start laughing.

"Oh my god! What a move. That's hot!" I smile as he grins, pecks my lips playfully and laughs, pulling back.

Reece walks over and plants a kiss on my lips. When he pulls back, he smiles and playfully punches Nick, who is lingering behind us.

"Ouch!" Nick grabs his arm.

"It took me forever to find this one, go find your own." Reece jokes.

"Technically didn't she find us, that day at the meeting? And didn't you instantly take a disliking to her...." Nick grins, raising his eyebrows teasingly.

"Jamie knows I was mesmerised when she first opened her mouth and declared her pure hatred for our music and our own personal characters." Reece jokes.

"Well to be fair, you're music......."

Amy cuts me off.

"Jamie lets go and go ready while they are finishing off their breakfast. I hate using the bathroom after them, it always stinks."

Suddenly Amy and Stu start racing each other to the bathroom. All I can hear is laughing and squealing.


I leave the guys amused, as I head upstairs and start getting ready for the day at the farm. Amy dresses as her usual girly self and needs reminding no heels, since she will be on a lot of grass and dirt. I choose the more practical outfit as I'm expecting a lot of hands-on work today.

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