C- 24 His smile is all it takes to bring down my walls. One brick at a time.

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"I swear, I don't know which one annoys me more, psycho Chloe or desperate Julie." Amy complains.

"Can we really call her a psycho?" Stu asks scrunching up his nose and smiling until he sees Amy's risen eyebrows and he raises his hands jokingly, "Fine, she's a crazy bitch."

Amy moves to settle in his arms and stretches her legs out, kicking me for the third time.

"Amy seriously! One more kick and I'll be on the floor."

She lets out a small laugh and wiggles down even more, gently tapping me on my thigh. Then one big kick later and I hit the floor.

"Ouch!" I turn my attention straight to Amy, who is now trying to use Stu as a shield.

As she moves, she giggles and gives me a teasing smile, "In my defence, you basically suggested it!"

I stand up and rub where my tush now aches and Amy makes a run for it with Stu close behind.

"Those two are the weirdest mixture of cute and gross I think I've ever known." TJ says as he starts cleaning up, shaking his head at all the laughing and squealing coming from upstairs.

"I quite like it. It's nice seeing him happy, you know." Nick mumbles whilst eating the last few slices of pizza.

After a while everyone has gone off to bed and I sit and wait for Reece to call. Stu dramatically comes down the stairs, fake yawning.

"You still waiting for Reece to call?" He asks awkwardly.

I shake my phone and nod with a smile.

"It's pretty late. That usually means he's fallen asleep with Joey, or Hazel's got lucky," he grins, "Either way you should go to bed.... You look tired."

"Thanks. But I'm ok for a bit."

"Jamie, once you start getting less sleep the bags will only grow." He says pulling at his face so that he has saggy bags.

"Why do you want me to go to bed so badly?" I ask skeptically, knowing Amy is upstairs.

"I don't... If you really want to hang down here for a bit, you know I'll happily do it, like every other night." His gaze wanders up the stairs and I let out a low laugh.

"You want me to go to bed so you can have sex with Amy! Don't you?" I let out a laugh.

"Not only that, but I also think you need some rest." He insists.

"Seriously go upstairs and do whatever it is you need to do, I'm happy down here. Alone." I smile and wave him away.

Smiling he grabs my hand and pulls me up. "You know I can't do that; we have a night-time routine and as much as I want to be with Amy RIGHT NOW, I can't leave you. So please go to bed."

Giving in, I let him push me up the stairs to my door. I stick my earphones in and try to forget what's going on two rooms down from mine.

I wake up to the three guys fighting over the bathroom so I head downstairs to grab a coffee before David shows up in an hour. I barely have two sips before I hear David arrive. Uh-oh! I'm not even dressed yet!

"Morning David. Coffee?"

"You better not be offering my coffee?"

I turn to see Reece with a big smile, dropping his bag on the table.

"Reece, you're back. I didn't think I'd see you until later today."

He walks closer and grabs my cup, taking a large sip.

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