C-15- Do you see what I see....

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After an incredibly restless night I head downstairs and to my surprise, the lads are already up and in the garden. Stu and Reece are both playing around with their guitars and appear to be writing some lyrics. TJ and Nick are both staring at their phones and chatting amongst themselves.

I wander into the garden, grab a bowl of cereal off a table and relax in the swing chair.

"Morning Jamie," Stu's the first to greet me with a sly grin, "Normally you are the first one up and torturing us all until we get up. Imagine my horror when my alarm went off and I saw the time. It scared me, Jamie." Jokes Stu dramatically.

I stare at him amused whilst continuing to eat my cereal

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I stare at him amused whilst continuing to eat my cereal.

"What dickhead is trying to say is, we were all a little concerned that you weren't up before us." Reece says, capturing my gaze.

"Yeah alright, Reece probably said it better." Stu grins.

TJ jumps in, "So we set up for breakfast and when you still weren't up, we prepared it, tad dah...."

"Yep, I can see you brought the cereals out...." I say trying to hide my amused smile.

"And the fruit!" TJ adds.

"You do realise that I don't actually set up and prepare your breakfast? Though I'm sure the staff that do, appreciate the help." I smile at TJ and he turns to the others.

"Did anyone else know that?" He asks.

They all shrug and shake their heads.

"Moving on, we are all over social media this morning. The pictures are really good." Nick starts to say.

"But?" I ask, seeing there is clearly a BUT hanging in the air.

"BUT nothing they are great shots. Chloe despite her many faults, has done us a solid." Reece says in such a way I turn my attention back to Nick.


"Reece is right they are awesome, it's just there's like only one of the band, and the rest of them are of Reece or Reece and Chloe..." Nick says with a hint of disappointment.

"Yeah, most of the article is about their past and the potential rekindled romance between them. With a small mention of a possible comeback." TJ says backing up Nick, much to the annoyance of Reece.

Stu speaks up, "Just show her and see what she thinks."

I hold up my bowl and shake my head, "After I've eaten, I'll look."

In truth, the reason I could not sleep was knowing that whatever drama is heading my way today, would be Chloe related. I know I can't avoid it, but I can for at least twenty more minutes if I eat really, really slowly.

After breakfast I head inside and get cleaned up. By the time I head back down, David is here and at the table waiting for me.

"I'm going to assume if you're here, it's going to be a busy day?"

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