C- 31 - When you're gone....

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"Jamie, I'm sorry. Maybe I did go too far, but I didn't mean to.... It's just the possible ramifications of you both seeing each other.... On this band...."

I give him a nod.

"I understand your reasons David, especially as my boss. But the way you spoke to him and villainised him.... That I refuse to respect."

I head upstairs and drop onto the bed and instantly I try call Reece, several times, but he doesn't answer.  I leave him several voice messages and texts, but nothing.

I grab my laptop and blanket and head downstairs to camp out in the lounge, waiting for him to come home. It takes less than ten minutes for Stu and Amy to join me, both with worried faces.

"Jamie, when he gets like this he tends to just ride and ride. He probably won't be home tonight. Why don't you go to bed and I'll stay up?" Stu offers.

"I appreciate the thought Stu, but I don't want to sleep until he gets back."

Amy jumps onto the sofa and cuddles my arm.

"I told him you'd say that," Amy gives me a massive smile, "So...."

TJ and Nick walk in with more pillows, blankets and food.

"Lord of the Rings marathon!" Says TJ excitedly and we all get ourselves comfortable to watch the films.

I spend the evening trying to concentrate on the film, amused by the others reciting film lines and their over-the-top reactions. But if I'm honest, I'm mostly focused on my phone and the fact that he still hasn't called.

"Does he do this often?" I ask quietly.

TJ walks over and snuggles in on the other side of me.

"He used to, when he was with Chloe a lot. She messed with his head and when he got conflicted, he'd run. He always came back and was ok. He will be back by the morning Jamie, and he will feel like a douche." 

We get through one and a half films before they all crash and I'm the last one awake. I head outside and lay on the swinging chair, watching the stars. I manage to count to two hundred and thirty-three-ish before I fall asleep.

I wake up with a full-blown headache and sway as I sit up. I can hear chatting in the kitchen and start to head inside and then I see him, Reece, standing there at the top of the garden. His eyes are red with exhaustion and his expression blank. We stare at each other for a few minutes, both frozen, unable to move.  

A wave of emotions hits me. He's home, he's standing in front of me, why the hell am I not in his arms?

I run towards him, trying desperately hard not to flap my arms around like a dancing octopus. My mind chuckles at the thought. I dive into his arms, my face tucked into his neck and breathing him in. His arms tighten around me as he lets out a long breath. His warm, sweet breath tickles my cheek but then something clicks and I push myself out of his arms.

"You rode off. You ignored my calls and have been out ALL NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL!"

As my anger boils over tears begin to fall. Reece reaches for me but I avoid him and walk around him, heading straight for the shower. Reece follows behind.

TJ steps out of his room as we pass by and instantly notices the atmosphere.

"Guys, David will be here any moment and if he picks up on this it'll add fuel to his fire."

I let out a sigh. My eyes reach Reece's, I instantly see his sorrow and regret and my heart sinks for him.

"If you EVER ride off without me again, we're done." I say firmly and shut the bathroom door.

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