C-16 - Three hundred seconds of crowd pleasing.

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I grab myself a quick drink while waiting for David to pick me up and drive me to the office with him this morning. Reece's arms wrap around my waist as his lips press softly into my neck causing me to let out a small subtle moan as I turn in his arms and press my lips to his. Reece responds instantly, deepening the kiss and lifting me onto the countertop without moving his lips from mine.

"The guys are nearly ready; we can drop you off." Reece says in between small kisses.

"No need, David is picking me up. But thank you." I say breathlessly.

"I'd rather we take you." He said, pulling at my lip.

"You're heading in a different direction and the studio won't be happy if you're late. I'll see you this afternoon anyway, well hopefully."

He lets out a small sigh, "Fine, but come as soon as you can. We have that secret gig tonight to watch."

"I know! Amy wants to shop for it. She wasn't happy that I have to work today," I chuckle, "She's threatening to pick out an outfit for me, which is bound to be short and tight."

Reece's lips move over my neck again. The door buzzes making us both jump and he pulls back, "Damn it." He groans.

He kisses me on the lips softly and lowers me back to the ground. He takes my hand and walks me out, letting go as the door opens and we see David smiling and offering me a rather yummy looking drink.

"Morning! Ready?" David asks happily.

I turn to Reece, "Tell the guy's good luck for me!"

Then turn my attention back to David and take the offered coffee, "Let's go."

"Have fun today Reece, I'll try to be there as soon as I can." David says to Reece as we start walking.

David walks me to the car and open and closes the door for me, he was certainly raised to be a gentleman. Reece stands in the doorway watching us the whole time. I give him a wave and he nods.

Once we arrive at the office, I attend the standard meeting where we discuss the bands progress and new targets.

After, David walks me to a conference room where we will both working for the rest of the day. We facetime the guys and have a listen to some of the new material they are recording. Instantly, I am surprised and excited by some of directions they have taken with their new album.

David heads out for some drinks while I go through some paperwork that's been left for me, which if I'm honest with myself, makes no sense at all.

As I'm shuffling through the paperwork, I see a tall lady looking through the glass door and staring at me for a moment, capturing my attention, then she confidently walks in.

"Hi, I'm Julie. I don't think I have seen you around the office before." She says with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Jamie."

"You're Jamie...... Wow, you're not at all what I expected. David raves about you. He seems to have quite the soft spot for you, you know."

She says it in such a way that I begin to feel a little anxious.

"He's a nice guy." I respond.

"Nice?" She chuckles, "He is the type of man that every woman here secretly craves. There isn't much any of us wouldn't do for five minutes trapped in the lift with him. I'm talking full blown pleasure for three hundred seconds, with the risk of getting caught by the end."

I start to blush, not only because of her extremely uncomfortable description, but also because now my mind is starting to think like hers.

She walks closer and sits with one knee resting up on the table, exposing her thigh. She leans forward and brushes my hair away with her fingers.

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