C- 37- 5..4..3..2..1..Welcome back Deadly sins.

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Another early morning, but this time I'm up well before my alarm. I leave my warm, comfy bed and head to Reece's room. As I open the door, he slightly stirs but doesn't wake up, so I slip into his bed. As my hand cups his jaw, my thumb rubs over his bottom lip until he lets out a low laugh and nips it. Immediately he rolls over, trapping me underneath him and his eyes open.

"Morning." He gives me an incredibly sexy smile and I bite my lip.

"You didn't come in last night." I playfully pout.

"We finished stupidly late and so I figured I'd let you sleep."

"Did you all agree in the end?" I ask, knowing that they probably didn't.

Last night they were finalising the album cover and songs for the album. They were all arguing over the right sounds for the band and trying to one up each other. I headed upstairs shortly after David left as my ears were preparing to bleed from the constant bitching and moaning about previous album choices.

"Sort of. We have all made our own selections and we want some opinions on which is best. Which, obviously, will be mine." He says smugly as he leans down to kiss me.

After a long lingering kiss, I turn to the side.

"Whose opinions are you asking?

"Amy, David, Hazel and obviously..."

I close my eyes and dread fills my stomach.

"You." He smiles.

"Nooo, I am not the right choice. I am seeing you and ......"

"Seeing me?" He laughs, "We all technically have conflicts of interest, well except Nick."

I look at him surprised.

"What's TJ's conflict?"

"Oh, please. My sister, the way they laugh and chat together. It's hard to not notice."

"And you're ok with that?" I question.

I'm a little shocked that he is aware, if I'm honest.

"Yes and no. I know the world we work in and how shitty it has treated everyone, how it's treated you, but she seems to be putting herself in it anyway. Plus, TJ is an awesome guy. For her, not you! And he treats Joey really well."

"I was never into TJ, you know why I kissed him."

I blush, thinking back to the night at the club and when I kissed him and the hot kiss it turned into and when I first laid eyes on him and instantly noticed his gorgeous eyes and the kindness he showed me as a stranger.

"I know." Reece smiles.

I pull him into a deep kiss as my legs wrap around him and hold him closer. His hands begin to travel over my exposed skin until he suddenly pulls back.

"How much time do we have?" He gives me a delicious smile and I lift my arms up over my head.

"An hour." I smile and his fingers tease my skin as they travel down my arms to pull my top off.

Within mere moments of his touches and kisses, my body comes alive and craves more and more of him. The more time we have together the more my confidence grows and the braver I am at responding to the sensations that flood my body.

I am learning his own desires and what creates low groans from his lips. The more I know, the more I try.

"God, Jamie you are perfect ...."

Is all I can make out from his rushed words of pleasure as we take advantage of the hour of peace and quietness and make love, over and over. Each time exploring new ways of creating our own ecstasy.

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