C-11 Webs of lies.

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The launch day could not have gone better. The guys are still on a natural high from performing and the awesome press they have received since. Of course, there are some papers that still would rather drag up the past instead of focusing on the achievements of recent events but as far I am concerned, screw 'em.

The morning after the launch David turned up with the papers and he just could not hide his smile. "You've done it lads; you've bloody done it!"

He drops the papers down in front of us all and the guys suddenly jump up out of their seats and they started dancing and cheering amongst themselves. Dare I say, they looked cute. I stand up and reach over to grab the papers to check the headlines and I can't contain my smile either.




Fast forward two days and they are all packed for a three-day press tour and prepared for continuous tv interviews and radio shows.

"Are you sure you can't come? If you don't, we will have to ring you constantly for guidance," smiles TJ.

"Sorry TJ, I have work to do here. I need to research the previous headlines and social media posts, so we are prepared for anyone that attacks you guys via the press. On that topic, it would be helpful if you could unblock me Reece..." I stare at him.

"Isn't going to happen." Reece replies and his firm stare in return causes me to hide behind TJ.

"Come on man, she practically knows everything and if she needs it...." Nick says trying to defuse the awkward hallway conversation.

"Look, hearing everything and seeing it are two hugely different things, I'm trying to move on from it. Let's go lads." They all head out and Reece turns as he leaves, gives me a wink and closes the door.

Over the next few hours, I research all the various newspaper headlines I can find on the band and as individuals. I am blown away by how much of their private moments are exploited without their consent. Amy turns up just as it is getting dark and we order a takeaway and watch some movies.

"So, you and Stu kissed? When were you going to mention that?" I ask playfully.

Amy looks at me sheepishly and grins. "I was going to tell you. It's nothing serious, I mean he is a massive player and so I'm just enjoying the flirting."

"Amy, like you just said, he is a massive player. I have gotten to know what a funny, kind guy he is and he sits up at night until I go to bed and just chats with me, but I have also seen him come home from nights out, stinking of cheap perfume, with lipstick spread across his face. You have to be careful."

"Jamie, I get it I do. But I like him and he makes me laugh and I have zero expectations, so I won't get hurt."

"Oh god you really do like him, don't you? We are both idiots when it come to this band and its members."

Amy turns to me grinning. "What does that mean? Oh my god!! Who have you hooked up with? TJ? It has got to be, he clearly likes you. Or is it, David? Not technically a band member but a part of the network system. Well, which one?"

I blush and prepare for Amy's over excitement, "Reece kissed me on the day of the launch."

Amy's face turns white. There is no excitement, no smile, not at all what I expected. "Jamie NO, he is not right for you at all! Tell me you know this? He will break your heart. He loves Chloe, she isn't going to let him just walk off into the sunset with you."

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