C-30 - lets play hide and seek.

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Chapter 30

The farm owners calmly offer to help handle the situation and head outside to talk to the press with the David. While we wait to see if any progress is made, Stu, Nick and Amy continue to search through social media. Reece is angrily pacing and re-reading Chloe's post, and TJ is sitting and staring at his phone, looking broken. I walk over to TJ and sit with him and notice he is staring at a picture of Hannah.

"Oh TJ...." I struggle to find a single word that would help soothe his worrying.

"I told you so......." He lets out a low, sad laugh.

"You told me what?" I ask, playfully.

"That this would get extremely messy and that Chloe...." I stop him from talking by covering his mouth and laughing.

"Yeah, I remember your warning." I nudge him with my shoulder.

"Despite the shitstorm that's coming, you aren't going to end it, are you?" He looks at me with a frown.

I shake my head and smile over at Reece, "No."

"Say the word and I'll have a private jet ready for you within the hour."

"Thank you, TJ. But I'm not going anywhere without all of you pains in the ass." I reply and kiss his cheek.

David returns through the gate and looks pissed. Reece notices instantly and heads straight for him. "WELL?"

David shakes his head annoyed. "We need a plan, we need to create a distraction."

"ON IT!"

Stu, Amy and Nick come running over with huge smiles on their faces just as everyone's phones start to ding.

"What did you do?" I ask as I check my phone.

"Within the hour, fans will be swarming this place for selfies, signings and hell, maybe even an impromptu acapella," Nick smiles, "The press won't get close enough to Jamie, not with our fans here."

"This could work, right?" Reece asks with a smile.

"If the fans are saving our asses, let's work on repaying them." says Nick.

The guys group together and walk off, heading to one of the barns.

"Ok, so on a scale of one to ten, how are you doing?" Amy asks.

I chuckle and turn to her and David. "I'm about an eight."

"An eight? How is that possible?" Amy asks, a little shocked.

"Not that we are complaining..." David adds.

"Right, well instead of standing around bored and overthinking the drama about to unfold, why don't you two show me the plans for the gig?" Amy says, smiling.

David pulls out the paperwork and Amy stops him, "I need to see the full picture."

David nods in understanding and we head back to the field with Amy. She makes us go through every single detail, even down to the toilets. Once she is satisfied and given her opinions on the space, we head back to find the guys aren't about. When loud, screaming fans can be heard in the distance, it's not hard to work out why. David checks out front and Amy and I grab our stuff, ready for a quick getaway.

After a short wait, David returns with a huge grin and nod.

"Those guys amaze me. Let's go. My windows are tinted so that shouldn't be an issue. But still cover your face." He says as he walks us to his car and opens the door.

"Always the gentlemen, David." Amy winks at him, making the poor guy blush.

We start driving out of the farm and even though the press is there and extremely distracted by the band, a few cameras manage to get close to the car and try to flash through the tinted windows and shout, "WHO'S IN THERE WITH YOU DAVID? WHY ARE YOU HIDING?"

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